Chapter 29

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[Wayne Manor]

[June 8 202X, 14:21 EST]

"Ughhh." Damian grunts as he slams his head down onto the table in frustration.

"Do you need help with anything master Damian?" Alfred says offering his assistance.

"What I need is father to come back. The Austrian clients refuse to do business with a child and I have so many documents to read over not to mention hire new contractors to build the new Wayne tower in Florida." Damian sighs lifting his head up and picking up another file to read. "Can you get me another cup of coffee."

"I don't think coffee is good for kids."

"Do you think I care?"

"Whatever you wish master Damian." Alfred's cell phone starts ringing. "I need to answer this." He walks out if the room and checks twice to see if Damian is spying on him.

"Hey Alfred, can you do me a favor?"

"What is it this time master Dick. Do you need a new suit?"

"No not that. Can you go on the Batcomputer and see if you can find anything on Spyral. I don't have time to explain but please send whatever you find ASAP."

"Of course master Dick. Do try and to not get yourself killed."

"Thanks, agent A. I gotta get going, bye."

"Who was that Alfred?" Damian asks leaning back on his chair.

"Oh just an old friend of mine. Do you want any surger or cream in your coffee master Damian."


[Wally's Aperment]

[June 6 202X, 16:17 EST]

"What do you mean he never died?" Wally asks squinting his eyes.

"What I said was the original Dick Grayson never died. What you saw that day was a clone of him go awol so the original Dick and I could seek out." Roy explains.

"Okay, you better give me a good fucking explanation on why you told no one sooner and how you got involved, Harper."

"Okay, I need to start at the very beginning, wait until the end for questions. So don't interpret."

"Fine. Go on, I'm all ears."

"Everything started last February, I was sent on a mission to stop an assassination of a Chinese official in Bejing. When I got there I was informed which building the sniper was in. I was planning a sneak attack on them but then I ran into a kid wearing all black. I didn't expect anyone else to be there but the sniper. We got into a fight and he got the upper hand. He gave me hints of who he was which I thought was strange at the time. When I pieced everything together I realized who I was fighting the entire time. I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought Dick was dead but instead he was working with Deathstroke."

"So you are telling me you knew that he was alive since last year and you told nobody! You could have stopped this whole mess from happening but instead you helped him plan this!"

"Wally! He was threatening to leak all of our secret identities! What was I suppose to do! People keep their identities a secret for a reason, Wally! You know how many lives would be in danger if he had leaked them. I admit, I did help him make a clone and programmed him so he couldn't be revived and would end up killing himself in a specific timeframe so we could make our get away. But you have to understand how many lives I saved. Now you may ask questions."

"Okay, so you knew that Dick wanted to kill Bruce."

"Correct. He blacked me to help him kill Bruce."

"Who else knew that Dick was alive."

"I only knew he was alive for a year and a half now, Jason was only informed a few days before the mess and Deathstroke knew he was alive this whole time."

"Did Dick run into me on purpose that day?"

"No. We were not expecting to move along with the plan so quickly, that why everything was so sloppy. Jason was not supposed to be involved and neither was Deathstroke."

"Then what was the original plan?"

"The plan was to torment Bruce a bit before revealing that Dick was alive. That clone was a backup plan. If anything went wrong we would cause a big commotion and activate the clone to kill itself, I would anonymously send the tape to the Justice League. Dick would watch from the shadow and I would give him updates on Tim, Jason and whoever he wanted me to get information on. Of course, the backup plan would cause repercussions like Deathstroke. Dick was like a son to him as far as I knew and you would go AWOL if you found out that he was alive for all these years and he just killed himself like that. If Bruce somehow didn't get killed he would just blame himself more and more and lord knows what else would have happened. I am pretty sure Bruce would have never met his son."

"Why did you tell me? You could have let all of this slide under the rug. No one suspected he was still alive let alone know that you were involved." Wally brings out.

"I don't know, guilt?" Roy shrugs. "I have sat back for months watching your team and that family fall apart. I just- I just can't watch this train weak anymore."

"I where is he now?" Wally demanded to know.

"London. He renting an apartment near the school he goes to." Roy tells Wally. Wally gets up and walks over to his room. Roy follows him. "Hey, where are you going."

"Where does it look it like." Wally opens his closet and pulls out a duffle bag and begins tossing shirts in the bag. "I am packing, I am going to London, I am going to get Dick back, and you are coming with me."

"Just me and you?"

"We can't risk Dick freaking out and fleeing so it's just me and you Roy."

Word count: 1006 words

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