Chapter 30

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[Warsaw, Poland]

[October 31 202X, 03:56 EST]

Slade was sitting alone in the dark. Empty bottles were littered across his wooden floor and the whole apartment reeked of alcohol.

He was on the couch in the living room hold a picture of his wife and children in one hand and a bottle of gin in the other. He took another gulp then put down both objects. He opened the drawer to his left and pulled out a small pile of letters.

They were the letters Dick had sent him while he was alone in Gotham.

Slade hasn't been active in over a month since Dick's death.

"What I'm a doing with my life." He said to himself putting the letters back.

He got up from the couch and stumbled to his room completely smashed. He went to his closet and pulled out his uniform.

"No more work for hire. From today, I'll decide who needs to die."


[Gotham Hospital]

[June 8 202X, 18:24 EST]

These last few months have taken a toll on a lot of people not just the bat family. Kon was sitting in Tim's hospital room waiting patiently hoping Tim would just wake up. Ever since Wally's outburst the other day, the team decided it would best to take a break for a while. Kon was now staying at Clark's apartment even though he spent most of his time with Tim.

"Maybe he needs a kiss from his prince charming." Kon whips his head to the doorway and sees the last person he would expect to walk through that door.

"What are you doing here!" Kon says raising his voice.

"Can't a father see his own son?" Bruce asks as he walks into the room closing the door behind him.

"Not when said father is the cause of his son's coma." Kon growls protectively. "Did you even tell anyone else you were back?"

"I took a taxi straight from the airport to here. I admit, I did not expect to see you here." Bruce walks up to the bed and raises his eyebrow at Kon. "Why are you holding his hand?"

Kon immediately let's go and hides a blush.

"Hey Tim, I just got back. You know you should wake up soon. I still have your Christmas present sitting in the cave. I'll give you hint on what it is. It comes with keys. Wake up soon so I can see that smile on your face. I'll be back very soon I just gotta see how Jason and Damian are doing. Kon, you take care of him." And with that Bruce leaves the room.

Kon looks back at Tim. He looked so peaceful in his sleep.

"Aw fuck it. It works in the movies, what do I have to lose." Kon says. He leans down and hovers centimeters above Tim's face. "Here goes nothing."


[Spyral HQ]

[June 8 202X, 07:21 BST]

Dick's POV

"Are we almost there yet?" I ask again.

"I swear if you say that one more time I will rip your tongue off." Agent 1 threatens.

"Okay fine. But seriously, are we almost there yet? I am starving. I need food to keep this temple in shape." I said flexing my muscles.

"We are here. Get out of the car." He tells me. I look at him confused. We are parked outside a school. "What are you waiting for?"

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