Chapter 32

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Trigger warning: Self harm, self-hate, depression

I love this song. Basic Instinct by The Acid.

[February 17 202X, 04:12 BST]

[Dorm Room]

I am so alone.

I don't have mom or dad.

I don't have the YJL.

I don't have Bruce or Alfred. Jason, Tim, hell, even Damian.

I don't have Slade.

I don't have Wally.

All I have is Roy, the rest of my antidepressants and a nice big bottle of vodka to down it with.

If little old innocent 12 year old Dick Grayson saw me now he would be absolutely mortified.

Here I am. 6 years later. Alone in London. Living a life being legally dead. With my wrist slit and blood gushing out covering the bathroom floor. It's a weird sensation to have your wrist slit. You feel in sting but somehow you start to feel calm. The voices go away.


You take the pills first, drink till your seeing double then cut.

I can't even kill myself right.

Should have just used my gun. It would have been easier.

I think back to the start of this whole mess. What I wanted to do since Slade saved me. I wanted to make Bruce pay. I told myself that every day. I wanted to make sure no one else would ever get hurt by him again. But I know deep down a part of me did this for a selfish reason.

I knew if Wally didn't see me that day when I was coming back from picking up groceries none of this would have happened. Bruce would be dead and I would still be with Slade. I want to blame all this on him but I can't.

I start to feel cold. My vision is blurred.

Is this the end?

I don't have a safety net to catch me when I fall.


[Gotham Airport]

[June 6 202X, 16:47 EST]

"All flights heading to the UK have been canceled due to the recent attacks and England has stopped anyone from entering their country due to said attacks. I'm sorry, have a nice day." The lady working the counter apologized.

"Shit Roy. What are we going to do now?" Wally said starting to panic.

"Calm down Wally I know a guy who can get us in. But it's going to take longer." Roy tells him.

"How much longer?" Wally asks walking over to the waiting area.

"A day or two tops."

"Are you sure this is the only way in?"

"Does it look like we can surf there?"

"Fine. I guess there is no point waiting in here anymore."

"Are you going to tell anyone?"

"Nope." Wally says popping the p. "I don't want a repeat of last time."

"It's your call." Roy nodded. "Are you still pissed at me? For not telling you sooner."

"Not anymore. The only thing I care about is Dick's safety. Now I am going to get some M&M's from the vending machine over there, you want anything?"

"Nah, I'm good. Hey Wally, I'm gonna check on Jade and Lian now so I'm text you the details." Wally nodded and Roy was off.

The speedster couldn't shake off the feeling that something wasn't right.


[Gotham Hospital]

[June 8 202X, 18:31 EST]

Kon lifts his head up shaking it. What the hell was he doing, this wasn't a Disney movie. He got up from his spot and mentally slapped himself in the face.

He groaned as he was heading for the door. "Stupid, stupid, stupid."

"Ya... you kind of are." A weak voice joked. Kon slowly turned around to see Tim's blue eyes slowly open. He runs back to Tim's bed.

"Thank god. The doctors said you might never wake up." Kon sighs in relief. He lays his head on Tim's lap.

"So how long was I out for? A week?" Tim yawned stretching his arms side to side. Kon looks up at him with a frown on his face. "What's wrong Kon?"

"What was the last thing you remember Tim?"

"Well, I was tied to a chair and- shit. Do I still have those stupid tattoos?" Tim looked at the window to see his reflection. "Grrr, I swear I am going to kill Harley."

"We can get those removed later but please tell me what you remember."

"I was tied up in a chair and Harley was torturing me. I got branded with J's and I was dressed up like her, then she picked up her bat. I can't remember anything that happened afterwards. I think that's when I blacked out."

"Tim, it's June now. You have been in a coma for 8 months."


"That's not all. Dick killed himself and Jason is in Arkham. I think. The Young Justice Leauge was disbanded two days ago and Bruce just got back from lord knows where after 6 months."

"Dick's dead..." Tim said trailing off sadly.

"I am so sorry." Kon says giving his condolences.

"How do you know?"

"He shot himself in the head. I was there, everyone was."

"If Bruce was gone for that long then how is Gotham not burnt down to the ground already."

"Believe it or not, Slade has been helping. A lot. And the reason why Jason is in Arkham is because he killed so many criminals."

Tim sat there letting all the new information sink in. " One more question."

"Ask away."

"How do you know Bruce's secret identity?"


[Watch Tower]

[June 9 202X, 03:05]

"Okay that wraps up our meeting." Diana stands up.

"Not so fast." The doors open. From the deep brooding voice, everyone could tell who was about to walk in.

"Bruce." Clark stares at the stoic hero. He was in his Batman outfit and he could see that Bruce had redesigned it.

"What's everyone staring at. You have work to do." Bruce says like nothing happened. Barry shares the same 'what is happing' look as Hal.

"What the hell Bruce! You disappear for 6 months without so much as a warning, then you show back up like you never left. Do your kids even know your back?" Clark shouts getting up from his seat.

"Of course, they do." Bruce scoffs.

"What are you even doing here?" Clarks asks walking over to his old friend.

"Disappointing his kids." Hal coughs giving Barry a high-five under the table.

"I am here to let you guys know I'm back. Now if you excuse me I heard Jason escaped with a crocodile and lion. I don't know what that means but that does not sound good." And within a blink of an eye the infamous Batman disappears faster than Barry ever could.

"I am starting to think that he actually has superpowers." Barry whimpers.

"Ya, the power to make you wet your pants." Hal laughed.

"I hate that guy." Clark sighs not bothering to follow him. Clarks knows better than to dabble with his family issues.

Word count: 1138 words

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