chapter 12

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After the present was delivered, Captain Hook and Smee followed the other pirates to the ship with their hostages. Cherry appeared to be wearing an ugly ragged olive green dress and puffy white short sleeves with black boots, a red bandanna, and even had a golden earring on her left ear.

"Cherry?! What the heck are you wearing?" Atticus asked while struggling to get free.

"I'm a swashbuckler now..." Cherry smirked, looking rather evil. "Shiver me timbers and prepare to board!" she then frowned, looking into the fourth wall. "Timbers? Board? Pirates sure talk about wood a lot!"

"Now since you seem to be strong, boy; I'll have to keep a strong hold on you." The big muscular man told Atticus.

"Cherry, make them let us go!" Wendy cried.

"Nah, I don't think I will..." Cherry shrugged with a sinister smirk.

"Why not?" Michael asked.

"I'm playing with the big boys now!" Cherry smiled sickly.

"How can you be working for Captain Hook?" Atticus asked while trying to get free.

"You brought this out on yourself!" Cherry glared. "Ever since you became Peter's new ally, you forgot all about me!"

"What?! What are.....Ohh. Listen Cherry, I will never forget about you, you're my best friend." Atticus told her.

"TOO LATE, I'VE MADE UP MY MIND!" Cherry cackled.

"Are you seriously going to be with these guys?" Atticus asked.

"Like you care..." Cherry sounded hurt. "Just wait til the boss gets here."

"Cherry, I do care about you, you're my best friend and I would and could never forget about you." Atticus said while trying to break free from the strongman pirate's grip again.

"Hmph!" Cherry looked like she wasn't going to hear it.

"What have you pirates done to my best friend!?" Atticus snarled.

"Shown her to the good life." Muscle sneered, making his grip tighter on the boy.

Atticus growled and frowned in sadness that Cherry had changed.

A while later, the pirates started to sing as they had their victims all tied up to introduce Captain Hook. Wendy, her brothers, Nana and the Lost Boys and Chris and Pat were tied up at a mast while Atticus was still being held against his will by muscle.

"Do what you want 'cuz a pirate is free, you are a pirate~" Cherry sang with the other pirates.

'I still can't believe she's going to be with these guys.' Atticus thought to himself.

Smee danced along with the other pirates. Captain Hook found it annoying, so he knocked Smee out on the head, then looked to his victims. He started to tell them the pros about what would happen if they joined his crew but then told them the cons if they didn't join his crew. The con was mostly about if they didn't agree to go into the crew, that they would be forced to walk the plank. The choice was up to them.

"I would rather die than join his crew." Atticus whispered.

Captain Hook sat at a desk and had a contract and quill ready. One of the crew members cut them free, allowing the boys to run off to sign the contract.

"Boys!" Wendy called. "Aren't you ashamed of yourselves?"

"But Captain Hook is not insistent, Wendy." John explained.

"Yeah, he says we'll walk the plank if we don't." the rabbit reminded.

"Oh, no he won't; Peter Pan will save us." Wendy smiled.

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