chapter 3

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Since it was getting late, the kids decided to get into their pajamas. Nana found the tonic in the kitchen and was coming to the childrens' bedroom so they could take it before bed.

"You shall not win, Captain Hook." Atticus said, sounding like a strongman.

"I'd like to see you scurvy dogs try and beat me!" John growled, doing his best pirate impression.

"We shall defeat you, Captain Hook!" Atticus said, acting serious, sounding like a strongman

"Oh, no, you won't!" John sneered.

Cherry sat in a chair and pretended to be held hostage. The entire game was fun. The kids really got into the game and it was a lot more fun with other people as well.

"Blast you, Peter Pan, you and that new ally of yours!" John snarled, sounding more aggressive as he pretended to be as vengeful as Captain Hook from Wendy's stories.

"I told you couldn't defeat us." Atticus said.

"Take that, Captain Hook!" Michael taunted. "Give up, Captain Hook, give up?"

"Never, I'll teach you to cut off me hand!" John glared.

"Oh, no, John, it was the left hand." Wendy told him as soon as she saw he had the hook in the wrong hand.

"Oh, yes," John nodded with a smile and switched hands. "Thank you, Wendy."

Wendy nodded back to her brother and walked out the door, only to find the family dog. "Oh, Nana... Must we always take that nasty tonic?"

Nana walked in, carrying the tonic on a tray with three spoons for the children who were to take it every night before bed.

"Why do you guys always have to take tonic before bed?" Cherry asked.

"Mother insists..." Wendy nodded to her. "After all, don't you take vitamins every morning?"

Cherry narrowed her eyes. "Touche..."

"Take that!" Michael and Atticus 'fought' John.

"Insolent boys!" John growled. "I'll slash you both to ribbons!"

"Oh, no, you won't." Atticus said, sounding confident.

The boys fought with their wooden swords.

"Careful, guys, my glasses!" John warned, coming out of character to warn them of that.

"I'm sorry, John." Michael apologized.

"Yeah, sorry." Atticus added.

"Ah, neither of you will leave this ship alive!" John got back into character.

Nana was cleaning up the room little, despite being a dog, she was to be a nursemaid for the Darling children.

"Oh, yes, we will." Atticus and Michael told him.

"This is getting interesting." Cherry said as she leaned back, getting comfortable in the chair.

"Yes, yes, it is." Atticus said.

Nana had trouble making the beds, after she made one and went to move on, John, Michael, and Atticus jumped on the beds, messing them up again.

"Oops, sorry about that, Nana." Atticus apologized.

Nana shook her head, then got the tonic bottle open and held it in her mouth to pour the globs of tonic into the spoons.

"How does tonic taste when you take it before bed?" Atticus asked.

"Not very good..." Michael wrinkled his nose in disgust.

"Yikes." Atticus said.

Wendy, John, and Michael frowned and nodded in agreement.

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