chapter 8

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Tigerlily was still tied up and sitting on a small rock with the pirates looking evil to her.

"Now, my dear Princess, this is my proposition," Captain Hook said to the lost Indian princess that the Chief lost his mind about. "You tell me the hiding place of Peter Pan and I shall set you free."

"So I was right." Atticus whispered.

"Like he'd do anything else." Peter agreed.

"Poor Tigerlily." Wendy pouted.

"Am I not a man of my word, Mr. Smee?" Cpatain Hook asked his minion.

"Well, yes, always, Captain..." the other pirate agreed.

"You better talk my dear, for soon the tide will be in and soon it'll be too late." Hook demanded.

Tigerlily however was silent and refused to rub out Peter.

"Wow, she sure is loyal." Atticus whispered.

"I'll show that codfish," Peter got an idea. "Stay here, guys and watch the fun." he then said before flying to the entrance of the cave and hid behind a rock.

"What do you suppose he's up to?" Wendy asked Atticus.

"Scare Captain Hook." Atticus whispered.

"And remember..." Captain Hook continued to interrogate the girl he held hostage. "There is no path through water to the happy hunting ground..."

Tigerlily refused to give into his sweet temptation, staying true to her friend.

"THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE, TIGERLILY!" Hook grabbed Tigerlily by her shirt and yelled in her face which blew her hair and nearly her feather back.

"Manatoa, great spirit of mighty seawater, speak...!" a ghostly voice called into the cave which spooked Hook and Smee. "Beware, Captain Hook...! Beware...! Beware...!"

Unknown to either of them, it was Peter.

"Did you hear that, Smee?" Hook asked, instantly frightened.

"It's an evil spirit, Captain..." Smee trembled as he nodded his head.

"Stand back, Smee, while I take a look around." hook told his minion before going and leaving him to keep an eye on the princess.

"It's working." Atticus whispered.

The pirate captain left Skull Rock to find the 'spirit' that was haunting him.

When Peter got the chance, he flew into the cave and flew up a great height. "Psst! Atticus! Wendy!"

The two looked up and could hear him from up there, even though he was whispering.

"Watch this," Peter told them, then took off his hat and disguised his voice. "Mr. Smee!" he called, sounding exactly like his worst enemy.

"Erm... Yes, Captain?" Smee looked around, but stayed alert to the commanding voice.

"Oh, this is going to be entertaining." Atticus whispered.

Wendy smiled eagerly and agreed.

"Release the princess and take her back to her people." Peter commanded in Hook's voice, knowing Smee would do whatever Captain Hook told him to, no matter what.

Smee began to follow the orders, not knowing it was from Peter. Atticus and Wendy found this both amusing and surprised how well it was going. Smee protested at first, but Peter told him that those were the orders, so he took Princess Tigerlily and started to row her back out of Skull Rock and talked with her. Unfortunately the real Captain Hook wasn't far as he saw what Smee was doing.

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