chapter 9

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The Chief released the Lost Boys, John, Michael, Cherry, and Nana once the princess was returned and it was now pitch dark out as it got quite late in Never Land. The Chief also requested Peter and Atticus to have a word with them about saving Princess Tigerlily. And where Atticus and Peter didn't object to this and simply came over to the chief.

"How." the Chief greeted.

"How." Atticus and Peter said back.

The Chief then did some hand movements.

"What's he doing?" Michael wondered.

"That's sign language." Cherry recognized.

"What's he saying?" Wendy asked.

"He's saying 'Peter Pan and New Friend, mighty warriors'," Cherry began to translate. "'Save Tigerlily and make Chief heap glad'."

"Well, he certaintly doesn't look 'heap glad'." John commented.

"Agreed." Wendy said.

"Make Peter Pan heap big chief," the Chief congratulated Peter first. "You now 'Little Flying Eagle'."

After that, he then went over to Atticus who stood brave and strong.

"How." the Chief greeted him.

"How." Atticus greeted back, respectively as always.

"Let's see what Atticus is going to be called." Chris said.

"Chris, you should take off your hat, you too, Pat," John suggested. "We're going to have feathers now."

"NO!" Chris and Pat suddenly said in high voices, before coughing slightly.

"Uh, we mean, uh, we need our hats... To keep the sun out..." Pat said in a low voice.

"But it's night." Michael said.

"Full moons are bright too, ya know..." Chris said nervously.

Cherry and her cousins glanced oddly at the two boys, having a strange feeling about them.

"Atticus now be known as 'Sergeant Prowling Wolf'." the Chief gave Atticus his new name.

With that, Peter and Atticus were given Indian headdresses in their honor.

"Thank you, Chief." Atticus said, bowing in respect while keeping his headdress on.

Peter nodded his thanks before doing his own Indian cry and did a victory flight lap. The Lost Boys bowed to Peter and Atticus in response. Cherry seemed to blush and smile for Peter. However, Chris and Pat overdid it and their hats flew off without knowing it and they had long hair. Chris's hair was in a double low ponytails while Pat had a braid.

"You two are really girls?" Michael asked as soon as he noticed.

"Uhh..." Chris and Pat blushed nervously.

"How long have you two been girls?" The raccoon twins asked.

"That's a stupid question!" the fox smacked them in the back of their heads. "It's a trap from Hook, isn't it, guys?"

"Actually... We've always been girls..." Pat admitted.

"Don't tell Peter!" Chris added in worry, she then grabbed her hat and put Pat's on her head to hide their flowing long hair. "He might make us leave!"

"We won't tell him." Wendy assured her.

"But you should." John added.

"What?" Chris and Pat frowned.

"It's best you tell the truth, it will only set you free." John advised logically as always.

"But what if he gets mad at us?" Chris asked.

"It's better than lying." Wendy insisted.

Chris and Pat looked to each other, then back to the others as there was a celebration held.

Peter and Atticus sat with the Indian Chief and Tigerlily as they passed the smoke peace pipe around for tradition.

"Teach 'em paleface brothers all about red man." the Chief told his people about Peter and Atticus.

'Never heard heard that saying before.' Atticus thought to himself.

"Uh, what makes the red man red?" Cubby wondered.

"When did he first say 'ugh'?" the raccoon twins asked.

"Why does he ask you 'How'?" Michael queried.

"'Why does he ask you 'How''?" the Chief repeated with a smirk.

"Yeah." Cherry nodded.

The other Indians pounded their drums, giving Indian chants and started to sing an ancient chorus of their ways to welcome and make peace with Peter Pan and his Lost Boys. The boys decided to go off and dance, Chris and Pat joined them, putting their caps on tight so their long hair wouldn't reveal their true genders. Atticus joined in as well to enjoy the fun/dance.

Wendy was about to join until she was suddenly stopped.

"Squaw no dance," an Indian woman glared to the girl. "Squaw, get 'em firewood!"

Wendy frowned at the woman, but went to do as she said. It was a great party so far. Tigerlily danced on a drum in front of Atticus and Peter in an attempt to impress them. And where they were indeed impressed by the Indian princess's dancing skills as she was getting closer to them both. Cherry was about to come over with a smile, but she instantly frowned and felt a little different. Tigerlily nose kissed both Atticus and Peter. Peter turned red as his hair, then hopped up and did another Indian call.

Cherry looked a little hurt, angry, and sick, then walked off without another word, but wiped one eye as she had a small teardrop. She ended up going outside of the Indian Camp without realizing it and was coming around where Tinkerbell was outside, sulking ever since her banishment. "Hey Tink, you still upset over your banishment?" she then asked.

Tinkerbell looked up to Cherry, not as hostile to the perky goth as before, but she gave a small nod.

Cherry sat beside her on the blade of grass she was sitting on. "I'm sorry about that... You kinda deserved it."

Tinkerbell actually agreed and nodded to her again. However, someone then grabbed Tinkerbell and she wiggled and demanded to be let out.

"Hey!" Cherry glared back, then saw Smee. "YOU!"

"Please do forgive me, but captain's orders." Smee said as he brought both her and the pixie with him back to the ship.

"Hey!" Cherry tried to get let go of. "Stop!"

"Wahoo!" John cheered as he became more loose and fancy free at this affair.

"John!" Wendy gasped at her usually stickler brother.

"Squaw, take 'em papoose." Michael handed his teddy bear to his sister before going off, acting like a savage.

"Michael!" Wendy gaped at her other brother.

"Squaw get 'em firewood." The Indian woman told her once again.

Wendy glared at the Indian woman, having enough of this adventure nonsense. "Squaw no get firewood, Squaw go home!" she then walked off, gripping Michael's teddy bear on the way.

The others kept celebrating and having the time of their lives. Atticus even seemed to be having the time of his life, not even noticing that his best friend was missing.

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