chapter 1

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Michelle was on the phone and was agreeing with someone she was on the phone with. She then pt the phone down a sec. "Hang on a second, Mary..." she said, then looked to her daughter as she passed by. "Cherry, there's someone on the phone." she then handed out the phone.

Cherry took it. "Hello? Oh, hi, Aunt Mary!"

"Hello, dear, how are you doing?" Mary asked from the other line.

"Doing just fine, I haven't seen you in a long time..." Cherry said as she then sat down to talk with her aunt on the phone. "What's going on?"

"Listen, it's been such a long time, why don't you come over and spend some time with your cousins?" Mary offered. "Your Uncle George and I are going out tonight."

Cherry hummed in thought a moment, then spoke up again. "Could I bring a friend?"

"Of course you can, dear." Mary smiled.

"Where are you going anyway?" Cherry asked curiously.

"There's a party in your uncle's work office and of course, we can't bring the kids, since it's an adult party and it'll be way past bedtimes." Mary replied.

Cherry then hid a giggle as she remembered how short-tempered her Uncle George was. "How rushed are you gonna be by time we get there?"

"How rushed do you think we'll be, dear?" Mary asked with a giggle.

"I feel like you're gonna leave as soon as we get there." Cherry laughed back.

"I'll see what I can do." Mary giggled back.

"Thanks, Aunt Mary." Cherry smiled.

"Of course, it'll be so good to see you again, goodbye for now." Mary said before hanging up.

Cherry then hung up.

"I didn't get to say goodbye to her." Michelle pouted.

Cherry shrugged innocently. "Sorry, Mom."

"Oh, well, I guess I'll get to talk to her next time," Michelle shrugged. "So let me guess, you're going to bring Atticus, right?"

"How'd you know?" Cherry asked.

"You did say you'd bring a friend and you two are so close..." Michelle smiled simply.

"Yeah... I guess..." Cherry shrugged then, putting the phone away. "I'm sure Atticus will like Wendy, they both like stories."

"Yes, yes, they do." Michelle smiled.

"Why does everybody keep answering like that these days?" Cherry rolled her eyes as she went to get her backpack ready for later tonight.

"I have no idea why they answer like that, dear." Michelle said.

Cherry shrugged, then stuffed her backpack with things she would want to bring with her and put her pajamas and clothes for the next morning into a suitcase.

"Shouldn't you inform Atticus before you start packing your clothes for tonight?" Michelle asked.

"Okay, Mom!" Cherry groaned as she was stopped at what she was doing, she then took out her phone and texted Atticus an invitation to Mary's house and told her about her cousins: Wendy, John, and Michael.

Atticus was spending time with his father as he was doing exercises with him.

"I never thought I'd see this day come." Patrick said.

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