Chapter 9: Faithfully

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"Nobody sees me like you do, and without you, I'll be invisible. I exist because you see me."
A. J. Compton


  Blayze and I had talked all night it seemed. Seriously. I never thought I'd be able to talk to a jock, let alone him, about anything. We talked and talked. We told each our favorite things. For instance I told him my favorite color was pink and my favorite food was meatloaf. He told me his favorite color was red, and he liked eating his mom's homemade dip.

  When Blayze had told me that memory about seeing me in the school's lobby, that opened up a lot of doors for me. I was beginning to remember a lot of things. Like who I was before the accident. The feelings I had towards people and things.

  When I'd seen Blayze and Julie Tatherson making out on the bed. I knew there'd been something I didn't like about that girl.

  But I knew now.

  She was a bitch, if you wanted to sum it up that way—harsh or not. Julie always had to be the center of attention. She didn't like me. I just knew she didn't. We never got into it, or anything like that. It was just the looks she'd give me every time I passed her in the school hallway. She'd look at me as if I were a bucket of poop.

  Then there was the memories at school. Wayward High. I remembered feeling lonesome and ostracized like a black sheep. I hadn't fit-in, I didn't fit-in. Ugh, whatever way I thought about it, it made me feel more confused, on wether or not I was gonna make it out alive.

  I looked down at the floor, as more thoughts of school began to flow inside my brain. I began to feel a little sad. Had I existed at all?

  "Hey," Blayze said, nudging me on the arm. I looked up at him. He gave me a warm smile. "What's wrong," he asked, noticing my offset mood. I then saw as his smile quickly morphed into a frown. His face showed... concern?

  He was showing concern for me?

  I remembered Blayze was popular. That party he was at, only people who were popular and had a lot of friends were able to attend parties like that—unlike me. I turned away from Blayze, he shouldn't be talking to me, now that I thought about it. What would his friends say if he'd told them he was talking to Zanna Purgeth?

  "Nothing," I said, standing up and walking towards the door. I needed to go. If I was ever going to wake up from this coma I was in, Blayze would just go on ignoring me like he had before. Not that he'd meant to, I guess. He'd noticed me that one time and that one time only, and after that I'd gotten hit by a car—he barely even got a chance to know my name.

  What else was there to it?

  "Zanna, where are you going?" he followed me and grabbed my arm. I turned around and gave him a fierce look. "What, Blayze. You don't think I forgot what you'd said at the lake?"

  I hadn't forgotten about that argument. Before this, that argument at the lake, had been the number 1 thing on my mind.

  "What argument?"

  Was he playing dumb?

  "Seriously, Blayze. You didn't forget what'd you said, I'm glad I hadn't known you before this."

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