Chapter 7: The Rendezvous

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The grace of God means something like: Here is your life. You might never have been, but you are because the party wouldn't have been complete without you."
Frederick Buechner


  I'd gone home and taken a small nap.

  When I woke up, that argument I had with Zanna was replaying again and again in my head.

  Zanna didn't know me, she didn't know a damn thing about me. I hadn't gotten in an argument like that with someone since... Hailey.

  That was the weird thing about it.

  I now knew Zanna could make me mad. She could get under my skin, and I hated that.

  After getting up from bed, I took a piss, and hopped into the shower.

  Once I got out, I went ahead and put on some clothes for the party tonight.

  That weed I'd smoke from earlier, had made me hungry. So, after getting dressed I treaded downstairs, drying my hair with a towel along the way.

  Mom usually made little gourmet snacks for the family, and she'd store the snacks in the fridge to keep fresh. I liked the bacon ranch dip she made, as well as the cheese crackers with the roasted ham. I got out both things, sat down at the island counter, and delved first into the dip.

  Therefore I was almost done with my snack when my cell rang.

I got my phone off the counter.

  The caller ID on my phone read: Will

  I wanted to groan in annoyance. Sure I'd been ignoring my friends more than a little lately, but I didn't feel like dealing with whatever bullshit they wanted me to do. It was already enough that I was going to this party tonight—which was something I really didn't wanna do.

  There'd be the usual people there.

  Casey Earls (the biggest douche in baseball), Wyatt Smith (me and him have battled it out a lot in the past), and... Hailey (my ex-girlfriend).

  She'd be on that asshole's lap again. Except this time, we wouldn't be together and that would add another large bruise on my ego. The break up had affected me more than I would've expected it to. I'd been in love with her. Her dirty blond hair, blue eyes, and cheek bones, were enough to make me go insane. But that ship had already sailed, and I didn't find myself in love with her like I'd been.

  I ignored the phone call. Yeah, Will would be pissed at me but I didn't care. Huh, I might not even stay at the party long.

  Ryan Farrow's parties were known to get out of hand. And what usually happened to a party that got out of hand? He lived way out in the country, and us high schoolers usually took advantage of being away from the city.

  Done with my snack, I took a glance at the time: 5:45. The party started at 7. That meant, I still had some time on my hands. Perhaps I could try to get my English assignment going.

  I had been at school that that day when Mr Morgan had handed out the assignment, but I'd been in the office during my English hour. Why I'd been in the office? I forgot. I think I was almost failing a class, and Coach Donahue (everyone called him Huey) had assigned me a tutor, or something like that. I hadn't understood why, since the football season was almost over. And now that I thought about it, the tutoring session had been scheduled today after school.

  I kind of paled. What would Coach Huey say to me, if he knew I'd ditched tutoring? I kind of smirked, but the smirk soon fell from my face. He would know that I'd ditched tutoring today, someone would tell him that Blayze Terran didn't show up at tutoring today. Or maybe the nerd he'd assigned me to, would go-on and tattle like a freaking 5 year old

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