Fast Cars Part 2 (WallyWestxReader)

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There will be a couple of pov changes.

"Dad you can't do this!" I urged

"Were you racing?" He asked as he sat across from me at the dinner table with his head in his hands.

"What? No way! You know I don't do that!" I urged

"You were caught going way over the speed limit on city streets! Do you know how unsafe that is?" He asked loudly. I jumped at the intensity.

"Dad just c'mon calm down." I said quietly "There was no one else on the road, it was fine."

"According to the officer who brought you home and impounded my car, there was someone else beside you.(Y/n) you were racing!" He insisted

"It wasn't a legit race dad! It was just for shits and giggles." I sighed

"Well it looks like your friend got the last laugh I guess huh. They got away scot free." Dad hissed

"I'll go get the car back tomorrow dad. Everything will be okay." I said quietly

"You can't go get the car back, first of all you don't have the money to get it out, second your license was suspended. So no everything is not okay. That car was our only mode of transportation (y/n), how am I supposed to get to work? We can't afford for me to be off work." He ran his hand through his thinning hair.

"I'll ask if I can pick up some more hours at work, I'll go try and get a third job." I insisted.

"Go to bed (Y/n)." He pointed towards the hallway that led to my room.

"I'm sorry dad." I muttered as I stood up and drug my feet to my room.

Wally Pov- at CCPD-

"Joe." I sighed as he rubbed his temple.

"Wally you can't just ask me to do something like this." He looked over at me.

"It was my fault, not hers." I stated. "C'mon dad I know you must've had to do it for Barry and Iris, just do this for me." He stared at me for a short moment before he nodded.

"I'll see what I can do." He sighed and walked away.

(Y/N) Pov -Next Morning-

I heard a heavy knock at the front door of my house and so I looked up at my dad who had just taken a bite of his breakfast.

"I got it." I said and walked to the front door

"Are you (Y/n) (Y/l/n)?" A CCPD officer stood in front of me with his hand extended with his badge held in it.

"Yes sir. Uh. How can I help you?" I stepped to the side as he motioned to inside of my house

"May I come in?" He asked

"Of course." I looked back towards the kitchen "Hey dad can you come here?" I called to my dad

"You must be Mr. (Y/l/n)." The officer held out his hand to my father.

"That I am." My dad shook his hand

"I am Officer Joe West from the Central City Police Department." The officer said 

"What can I do for you today officer?" My dad asked

"I am here about what happened with your daughter last night." Officer West motioned towards me and I looked down towards the floor prepared to be scolded once again. "There seemed to be a mistake." The officer stated and I looked up confused

"Whaddya mean?" My dad looked over at me.

"There was a mistake. Your daughters license is no longer suspended and you will get your car back." The officer looked over at me and smiled. "And the ticket you were given has been taken care of."

"I don't understand." I smiled at him before I heard a car horn from outside. I looked out the door that was still wide open and saw my dads impala sitting out in front of the house. I looked at it confused as someone got out of the drivers seat. I smiled as Wally waved over at me. I jogged out of my house and towards him and the car. I slowed down once I got close to him. He was leaning against the driver side door with his arms crossed over the roof of the car. I mimicked him and did the same pose but on the passenger side.

"Was this your doing?" I asked and motioned to the car.

"Well I asked my dad if he could help you out." He smiled

"Your dad?" I tilted my head confused.

"Officer Joe West?" He chuckled

"He's your dad!" I exclaimed as I hid my head in my hands.

"Yeah." He chuckled and I looked back up at him "I heard that you took the fall for me. Thank you." He smiled

"C'mon now haven't you ever heard how snitches get stitches? Plus if I ratted you out how were you going to make it to pool with me?" I asked

"You still want to go to pool?" He looked at me surprised

"Considering I still haven't won the car back, I think I should." He smiled at me excitedly

"Can we go now? Is it open now? Probably not" He spoke quickly

"Wally I won't be able to go for a little while." I chuckled

"What? Why?" He asked raising a brow

"I'm probably still grounded for speeding." I sighed

"But you're off the hook." Wally stated

"Yeah but I think your dad is going to end up telling my dad I race. Which is a big no in this house." I sighed

"He doesn't know you race." Wallys eyes widened

"(Y/n)!" I heard my dads voice yell from the house.

"Well that's my cue to go." I sighed

"I'll see you in two to four weeks?" Wally smiled

"Wally!" His dad called for him.

"Why don't you just come get yelled at with me." I pointed towards the house behind me.

"Race you inside." He smirked

"You're on." I smiled before pushing off the car and running towards my house

"No far!" Wally laughed from behind me

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