All Day Everyday (GrantxReader)

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Could you do a grant imagine where his gf is an actress and he visits her on set and watches her film.

*Spoilers to the season finale to The Walking Dead*

"Hey (y/n), you ready? We're ready for you on set." Samson, one of the cast assistants spoke through the screen door on my trailer.

"Awesome last scene of the day" I smiled "I'm on my way. Thanks Sam." I stood up from the couch and made my way out of the trailer. I walked down the steps and towards the set. I heard someone running and then felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked to my right and saw Lauren Cohan smiling at me.

"Hey! What's up?" I smiled as we both continued walking to set. She had already been through hair and makeup about three times today, the heat had caused her to sweat off some off her makeup and causing streaks down her face.

"You have a visitor." She pointed off towards where we all parked. It was dark so I squinted trying to see who it was.

"Do I get a hint?" I asked when I didn't see anyone

"Did he move?" She stood up straight and looked around. "There he is!" She laughed pointing towards Andrew and Norman. I squealed slightly as I took off in a sprint, leaving Lauren. Grant looked over and saw me, he smiled and opened his arms ready to catch me. I laughed as I slammed into his body. He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me tight. Once his grip around me loosened I brought my hands away from his neck and onto his chin and pressed my lips to his.

"What're you doing here?" I asked happily

"I missed you." He smiled "'Cause y'know I haven't seen you in person for almost two months." He chuckled

"I missed you too!" I exclaimed and hugged him again.

"I hope I'm not going to be a distraction." Grant said sheepishly

"I feel like you'd be more of a distraction for everyone but (Y/n)." Melissa joined the conversation chuckling. Andrew, Norman, and I laughed.

"Thought you were done for the night Melissa?" Andrew asked

"I was about to leave but then I saw (Y/n)s boy here." Melissa smiled and Grant and I blushed. "If (Y/n) was given the chance she would talk about you non-stop." Melissa smirked and I groaned.

"Even when she isn't given the chance she talks about you." Norman laughed

"Oh hush, both of you." I blushed.

"Everyone on set!" Greg Nicotero called from his director chair.

"Good luck." Grant gave me a quick peck on the lips before I walked onto the set


Everyone was kneeling on the ground listening to Negan's little nursery rhyme. "You are it." He smirked and lifted the bat that he had named Lucille in the air and slammed it down in front of the camera. He did it a few times before Greg yelled that that was it, and the scene was done. We all slowly stood up and brushed the dirt off of our legs. "Thats a wrap! Season 7 here we come!" Greg announced and we all clapped our hands and cheered. There were hugs shared and tears shed as everyone came to the realization that we wouldn't be working together for a few months.

"You gunna make it?" Grant chuckled as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I chuckled and wiped away the tears that has fallen.

"Yeah I think so." I leaned my head on his chest.

"I'm sure you'll see them again before filming." Grant rubbed his hand on my shoulder

"Oh I know I will, it's just going to be weird not seeing them all day everyday." I sighed

"I know the feeling." He chuckled. "But just think." He turned me to face him. "Now we can see each other all day everyday." He smiled

"Oh no." I acted scared "What are we ever going to do!" We both laughed

"I can think of a few ideas." Grant smirked and wiggled his eyebrows. I smacked his chest playfully.

"I missed you." I smiled.

"I know." He gave me a quick peck on the lips before I was called over for an end of the season cast and crew photo.

*A/n: I don't know much about the actors of TWD so if I interpreted any of them wrong, that is why.

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