Future What Now? Part 2 (Leonard SnartxReader)

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I woke up hearing some distant voices talking about who knows what. As I became more aware of what was happening, I felt a needle in my right arm and a cold cloth on my forehead. With my left hand I reached up and pulled the cold cloth off of my head and tried to sit up. "Hi there (Y/n)." The perky redhead quickly walked over to me.

"Hi." I said with a coarse voice. 'What happened?" I asked

"You fainted." She stated as she looked at a screen beside me. I looked around the room and couldn't see Leonard.

"Where's the man I came here with?" I looked over at her

"He had to go to the bathroom." The guy with long hair said. I nodded slightly in understandment

"So who are you guys?" I asked

"Have you heard of The Flash before?" The long haired guy asked.

"Heard of him? The son of a bitch arrested me before. Why is he relevant?" I questioned

"Because this is my team." The Flash walked into the room and I tried to stand up.

"Nurse can you take this needle out of my arm?" I looked towards the redhead.

"You seem alright so I guess so." She shrugged and walked around the bed to my right side and took the needle out of my arm. I looked away and winced. I've been shot and had the shit beat out of me, yet I still can't handle needles.

"Thank you." I stood up off the bed. "You son of a bitch put me in jail for such a petty crime." I marched over to the scarlet speedster.

"You were the person that shot a bank teller then proceeded to steal over five thousand dollars from the banks safe." The superhero looked down at me.

"I didn't kill her, the bullet grazed her arm." I hissed "I had a four year sentence." I glared at him

"You weren't even locked up for a month." I heard the only familiar voice in this building and saw him smirk as he rounded the corner

"How did you know?" I looked at him confused

"I've been keeping tabs on you." He stated.

"Do you remember what he said before you fainted?" Redhead asked. I nodded and shrugged

"I'm just going to mark that under a failed flirtation." I stated

"Why did you faint then?" The Flash pursed his lips.

"I don't know, why don't you ask the nurse." I shrugged

"She has a name y'know." The long haired guy said and walked over the the four of us who stood in a group. "Dr. Caitlin Snow. and I'm Cisco." He stated

"Pleased to meet you." I rolled my eyes.

"Rip Hunter told me and the rest of his team that if we spoke about the future, the person we are speaking about might have a negative reaction." Leonard said

"Rip Hunter? What kind of fake name is that?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Well considering it's real." I heard a british accent

"We need to fix our security system." Cisco groaned

"Mr Snart. I thought we all discussed what could happen if you spoke about what happens in the future." Rip stated as he walked towards Leonard.

"You sent the rogues after her, I wasn't going to let them touch her." Leonard moved from where he was standing to beside me

"Chronos sent the rogues." Rip sighed.

"What you're telling me is Mick sent the rogues after (y/n)? He's been rehabilitated he wouldn't do that." Leonard shook his head in disbelief.

"You're his partner. (Y/n) will stand in the middle of your partnership, you know that's bound to happen." Rip Hunter stated. I watched as the Flashs team shifted uncomfortably and shared a look before slowly backing away from the conversation.

"I don't understand what's going on. What the hell is a chronos?" I asked joining the conversation

"Chronos is the time masters bounty hunter, aka Mick Rory, Mr Snarts partner in crime. Mr Rory was brainwashed, but then my team and I rehabilitated him and he rejoined our team." Rip explained

"What team? Who are time masters?" I inquired

"Again with the questions." Leonard ran his hand over his face. "It's not important, what's important is that you're safe. That's why I brought you here." He looked at me.

"We'll keep you safe from the Rogues." The Flash stepped forward.

"You're going to have to share your identity with her." Leonard stated

"Why's that?" The Flash asked

"Because I don't want you letting her out of your sight. When she isn't with me, she's with you guys." Leonard stated

"Do I not have a say in this?" I looked between the two men.

"No." Leonard said
"I have a life, I have shit I gotta do!" I argued

"Not until I get the rogue situation figured out." Leonard shook his head.

"You have no say in what I can and can't do." I told him with a glared.

"Calm down sweetheart. This is for your own good." He sighed

"I will not calm down! You can not just walk into my life, then decide you're going to dictate everything I do." I spat

"I want to protect you!" Leonard shouted

"You don't have a choice! You don't know me remember!" I yelled back. "I don't need your protection." I gritted my teeth

"In Mr Snarts defense, he does have a reason to protect you, you two are bound to be together in the future." Rip stated quickly

"Not if I have anything to do with." I hissed before pushing passed Leonard. I jogged towards the desk by the door and grabbed my purse which was sitting on the edge then jogged out of the room and to the elevator. I opened my bag and grabbed my gun. I pulled it out and tucked it into the back of my jeans. If anyone's going to try to kill me, they'll have to put up quite the fight to do so 'cause I'm not going down without a fight.

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