Fast Cars (Wally West x Reader)

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I drove up to the start line in my dad's black '67 Chevy Impala, he modified it back in the day so he could race with it, now it's my turn. He doesn't know though. He thinks I'm at the movies with friends, what he doesn't know won't hurt him. "Ready?" One of the guys stood between my car and my opponent. I gripped the steering wheel and nodded my head. "Good. You both know how this goes, you don't leave the line until the scarf hits the ground." He stated. "Alright babe on one!" He called out to the girl holding a scarf out passed the start line. I watched intently as they started counting down the sound of our engines revving drowning out the count. I saw the scarf fall out of her hand and changed gears. As soon as the scarf hit the ground I was off, we were racing around the outskirts of Central City, dirt roads and a few bends. I looked in my rearview and saw my opponent begin to catch up. We went around the first bend with no problem, but when we came up to the second one, there was a semi-truck speeding down the road. I watched as my opponent slowed right down and swerved into my lane. He sped up behind me and rode my ass until we got to the actual bend. The semi truck had passed but he was still driving behind me. I switched into the opposite lane and flipped him off as he drove up beside me. I glanced over and saw my opponent laughing. I shook my head and turned my focus back on the road. He slowed down somewhat as we neared the third bend and I looked over at my passenger side mirror and saw him pulling back.

"What are you doing?" I asked aloud. We made our way up to the bend and everything was going smoothly until he shot passed me and cut me off. I slammed on my breaks as he cuts right in front of me, almost causing a collision. "Jackass!" I screamed as I slammed my hand on the steering wheel. I gritted my teeth as I started driving again. There's no way I'm going to catch up to him now. I sped off again, I could see his lights in the distant, up until he rounded the last bend. I let out a yell of aggravation.

As I pulled up to the finish line I could see the smug smirk on my opponents face. I glared at him as I put the car in park and took the keys out if the ignition. I got out and walked around the car to the passenger side so I was standing in the middle in front of my opponent

"Well. It's very clear who the winner is so it's no use in announcing it twice." The guy who set up the race chuckled. "It's time you give the man his prize." He placed his hand on my shoulder. I clenched my jaw and forced a smile.

"Good race." I seethed as I held the keys up in front of him.

"Same to you." He smiled and took the keys out of my face. I rolled my eyes as I turned around. I walked around to the driver side of the impala and ran my hand along the roof of the car and sighed. My dads going to kill me. "Hey." I looked up and saw my opponent resting against the driver side looking at me. I rolled my eyes and rested my elbows on the roof and looked at him. "My name is Wally. Wally West." He smiled

"You took my car. I'm not in the mood to talk." I stated

"I technically haven't taken it yet." He held the keys out over the center of the roof. I pursed my lips and tilted my head. "You are more than welcome to win it back." He offered

"How am I supposed to do that without a car?" I asked

"Go on a date with me." He stated

"Excuse me?" I raised a brow

"I will give you your car back, as long as you go on one date with me." He smiled

"When and where will this date take place?" I questioned

"Do you know how to play pool?" He asked

"Yeah.. Why you wanna play pool?" I chuckled

"Here's the thing. I suck at pool, so what if I take you out to play pool, you can win your car back and I can buy you a drink?" He offered "You're debating it so take the keys and meet me down at Ricky's Bar." He tossed the keys in my direction "I'll be there in a half hour." He smiled

"(Yn)." I stated

"Huh?" He looked at me confused

"My name is (Y/n) (Y/l/n)" I smiled

"Well it's nice to meet you (Y/n)." He smiled widely.

"Race you to Ricky's?" I asked

"You're on." He smirked and we both climbed into our cars. We both started our cars and looked over at each other, I leaned over and rolled down my passenger side window.

"You're not beating me this time" I chuckled.

"Yeah, okay." He smiled we both took off driving, we started off slow, so we could get out off the back road without hitting any of the people that showed up to watch the race, but once we got onto the city streets we were flying down the road without a care in the world; that was until we heard the sirens and saw the lights. I looked over at Wally who was right beside me. "Split up!" He yelled and I nodded. We came up to a four way intersection and we both split off the main road, I went left and he went right. Lucky for Wally, the cop followed me.   

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