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It's actually a spin off about Katherine. Here's a sneak peek:
"You said you wanted to love me but couldn't. Why is that." Jordan looked at me and pulled at his hair. "For reasons you can't understand right now Katherine."

I walked closer to him. "Then help me understand." He turned around and walked toward a wall. "There's no way I can."

I started getting mad. "Bullshit. I..I love you and I always will and if you can't love me right now then..then I'll wait." As soon as I said that he turned around and stomped towards me.

When he got to me he cupped my cheeks and meshed our lips together. Maybe we could work something out.

This is a spin off of Bad Boys Way.
You know how Olivia had a daughter. Well now Katherine is having trouble in high school. Katherine has a good life she still lives in that same apartment since she was born. Stacy still lives there but Luke and Natalie moved out and got married.

Katherine had been bullied all through elementary and junior high. She had had enough. Katherine turned to drugs and alcohol for help in junior high. She hung out with the wrong crowd and was a rebel to many things.

One day when Katherine and Jordan cross paths they see each other in a different light they have never seen each other in before. Normally they hated each other but when they start hanging out and talking will they catch feeling and fall in love or will Katherine drag Jordan down with all her bad habits and rebel things?

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