Chapter 21

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Three months later
I walked into my room and saw Jeydon standing in front of the mirror. "You ready?" I asked. These past few months we were still trying to unpack and get settled in. Today everyone was finally done packing. Even Natalie and Luke and they were caught making out in their room most of the time.

Stacy was done first since she didn't have two people to unpack for then it was Jeydon and I. Then of course Natalie and Luke were last. We decided to celebrate the finish product of our new house and go out to eat. Luke and Jeydon got jobs through all this mess so they had money. I wanted to get one after I had the baby and she/he got a little older.

"Yeah." He had on some skinny jeans and I plain white shirt that hugged him tight making me bite my lip. I was currently wearing a pair of skinny jeans also but it was paired with a black shirt that said music is my first love and some grey vans. "Where are we going?" He asked walking up to me and putting his hands on the little bump that started to form where my naturally skinny stomach used to be. "We're going to that really fancy restaurant that has the name we can't pronounce but has low prices."

"Oh right." He cupped my cheeks with his hands and leaned down and kissed me. At first it was a soft gentle kiss but as soon as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, he tilted my head and kissed me deeper. "Hey guys. Were about to...okay." Stacy said walking into my room. Jeydon and I stopped kissing and looked at her. "Yeah we'll be there in a minute." Jeydon said waving at her telling her to get out. When she did he came and kissed me slowly. "Let's go." I said wrapping my arm around his waist.

I walked out to see Stacy texting on her phone and Natalie leaning against the wall with Luke hovering over her. "Are we gonna go?" I asked. "Hold on." Luke said holding up a finger. "I'm about to make out with Jeydon." I said grabbing his face and slowly pulling It down to mine. "Ok let's go." Luke said walking to the door and away from Natalie. "Thanks." She said flipping me the bird. I smiled as Stacy laughed. This really was the time of our lives.
When Jeydon and Luke were about to pay for the check some guy walked up to Stacy. "Is this the thing you bailed on me for. Some reunion." I looked up from my phone and I looked at him. "And who are you?" He smirked at me. "I'm her boyfriend." I smiled. "Just leave Brian." He pulled up a chair behind her. "No cause I was supposed to go on a date with my girlfriend and you blow me off to come with some ex-senior guys and two very hot ex-senior girls." He looked at us and winked.

I rolled my eyes. "Watch it." Luke and Jeydon said at the same time. "I only blew you off cause one it was only supposed to be our second date and two because it's my family and we just moved into a new house and we wanted to come and celebrate." He chuckled. "Y'all are all living in the same house?" He questioned. We all nodded. "Where do y'all all sleep?" All Natalie and I did was point to our boyfriend. "Oh. You must feel lonely in there. Maybe I should stay with y'all too." Natalie and I chuckled and the guys just mumbled under their breath. "Shut up." She said blushing. "Only if you promise to reschedule." She nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck. "How about tomorrow? Eight o'clock?" He smiled with his hands on her hips. "I'd love that very much." He said kissing her on the cheek and then getting up to leave.

"Aren't we going school shopping for you tomorrow and regular shopping for us?" Natalie asked. "Yeah. But I'm going with Brian at eight. We can be home by then and still have enough time for y'all to help me get ready." I smirked at Natalie and she looked at me confused. "We can't help you get ready for a date with a guy we don't know about." I said as Natalie understood where I was going. "How did you even meet him so fast?" Natalie asked. "Well you know that one day we all went to the park."
Stacy's P.O.V
"Hey guys I'm gonna go to that bathroom they have over there." I said pointing to where it was. "Be careful. Don't let a snake bite you butt. It's happened before." I glared at Jeydon. "Shut up." Liv told him. I chuckled and walked over to the bathroom.

When I was done doing my business and washing my hands I walked out to hear a twig snap. I Turned around just in time for some guy to run into me and knock me on my ass. With him on top of me. "Wow. The snakes really do bite your ass here." I said feeling the pain there. "Oh god. I'm so sorry." He got up and held out a hand. I hesitantly grabbed it and he pulled me up.

I dusted off my backside. "And what did that snake thing mean?" I blushed and looked at my feet. "My cousins boyfriend said something about someone getting bit by a snake on the butt in the bathroom." He chuckled at let me tell you it was the sexiest thing I've ever heard causing me to blush again. "Don't worry. I don't bit. A lot." He said and I looked up at him with wide eyes.

"I'm Brian." He said holding out his hand. I shook his hand. "Stacy." He smiled at me. "Let's take a walk." I hesitated but walked with him in the opposite way that my cousin and friends were. "So tell me. You seeing anyone." He asked after a couple minutes of silence. "No." I said looking at my hands. "Then consider this a date." He said grabbing my hand. I looked at him wide eyed. "Is this your lame attempt at asking me out?" I asked not removing my hand from his but intertwining our fingers. "That depends. Is it working." I nodded. "Yes." He smiled and we both stopped walking. "Ok then. Here's my number." He said taking out a pen and writing it on my hand. "Ok. Then I'll text you."

"What school do you go to?" I asked before walking away. "Johnson high. Why?" I smiled. "Then I guess I'll see you in a couple of weeks." He smiled then leaned down and kissed me on the cheek. "How about another date. Next week." I smiled for like the tenth time today and nodded. "I'd like that very much." He smiled again and walked away.
Olivia's P.O.V
"Oh so that's why you took so long that day. I just thought a snake did bite your butt." We all laughed at Jeydon's comment and they went back to paying.
The next day we went to the mall. "So we should find a date outfit for your date tonight." I said looking through a variety of dresses. "What about this one?" Stacy said holding up a black mid thigh dress that had lace sleeves that went all the way to the wrist.


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"Perfect." Natalie said grabbing it from her. "Let's go pay. It's already six-thirty and it takes us fifteen minutes to get back."

"We can straighten your naturally wavy hair and give you a neutral makeup look. It will be awesome. I never had a sister to do this with." I said wrapping my arm around her shoulder and she put hers around my waist.
"There. All done." I said putting the lipstick lid back on. She stood up with her makeup and hair done. "Here." Natalie said walking in with her black wedges. Stacy slipped them on her feet. "Let's go wait for him in the living room." I said opening the door and walking out.

"Presenting the more beautiful and date approved Stacy." I said holding up my arms as she walked around the corner. "You did good." Jeydon said as I walked up to him and stood in front of him. "I know." I said looking up at him. He kissed the top of my head as the doorbell rang. "I'll get it." Natalie said jogging to the door. I walked up behind her and threw my arm around her shoulder.

"Hello Brian." I said smiling at him. He smiled back. "Stacy. Brain's here." Natalie said never looking away from him. Luke and Jeydon walked up behind us. "Guys let me through." She said pushing them out of the way. They just rolled their eyes and went to sit on the couch.

"Wow. Stacy. You look..." His face lit up when he saw her. "Beautiful." I said for him at the same time Natalie said "Gorgeous." He gulped. "Yeah." She blushed and walked towards him. "Midnight." I said closing the door behind them.

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