Chapter 9

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"I love you." I heard Jeydon say as we had our foreheads pressed together. At first I was shocked and had my mouth open a little bit. But then I smiled. "I love you too." I said to him as I went in to hug him. He nuzzled his head into my neck and kissed it.

We walked back to the front of the school. I saw Damian's car and saw Natalie leaning on it while she was making out with Alex. Damian was sitting on the hood of his car on his phone.

We walked over to them and there heads shoot up. Even Alex and Natalie and they were making out like it was the last time there were gonna see each other. Jeydon had his arm wrapped around my shoulder and I had mine wrapped around his waist. "Are you ok. I didn't know that she was so much of a bitch. I swear the moment I heard her talking about getting you back I left her sorry ass." Damian said with guilt and regret in his eyes. "It's ok. I knew she was a bitch but I didn't know she would say that." I said with tears falling down my cheeks again. "It's ok." Jeydon said wrapping his arms around me and I did the same. "Don't believe her. Your beautiful."

The ride home was pretty quiet. Damian drove, Alex sat in front with Damian and Natalie sat in back with Jeydon and I. I laid my head down on his shoulder while he had his hand on my upper thigh squeezing every once in a while. Once we got to Jeydon's house we all got out and walked inside. Including Damian. "I'm gonna order Chinese." Jeydon said walking outside to order. "Yeah. And we're gonna go up stairs." Alex said taking Natalie upstairs. "Go in Jeydon's room. I don't need my room smelling like sex." I yelled as the slammed a door that was hopefully Jeydon's.

I walked into the living room and automatically got pinned to the wall with my hands over my head. "Get off Damian." I said trying to wiggle free. "I know you still want me." He said getting so close I could practically feel his lips on mine. I got as far from his as I could which wasn't very far considering I was against a wall. "That's the only reason I'm doing this cause I want you back and I know you want me." I was confused at first and then it hit me. "You only stood up for me today because you wanted me back." I said wiggling more. "Well news flash." I said kicking him in the balls "I have a better boyfriend now then you ever were then." I said kicking him in the gut as he withered on the floor in pain.

Jeydon came in a few seconds later and saw me glaring at Damian on the floor in pain. "What happened?" Jeydon asked walking to put the Chinese food on the coffee table. "He tried to hit on me." I said as Jeydon stomped over to Damian with pure rage in his eyes. He picked him up by the collar. "If you touch her again or even glance at her in the wrong way I will make you regret the day you were born." Jeydon said dragging him to the door. And I believed him. "Ok man. She's all yours." Damian said as Jeydon slammed the door in his face. "Damn right." He said looking at the door.

"Are you ok." He said walking over to me. "I'm fine." I said pecking his lips. And I thought this day couldn't get any worse. Alex came running out of the room. "Liv. Natalie needs you." He said as I ran up the stairs. I walked in Jeydon's room and saw her crying on the floor. "What's wrong." I asked sitting in front of her. "It's my mom. She said in between sobs. "What happened." I asked getting worried cause she was my second mom. "My dad called. He had taken her to the hospital cause she had been feeling a lot of pain for the last couple of weeks." My vision blurred cause I was afraid of what I might hear next. "And." I said pressing her for more. "It's the big C." Natalie said not wanting to say the actual word. "They said she doesn't have long to live."I felt my lip quiver and a bunch of tears fall down my face. I hugged her tight until I thought she was gonna suffocate. I got up and walked to my room to let out a couple things.

I walked into my room and walked to one of my dressers. I swiped everything off with my arms and fell to the floor and screamed. Natalie's mom was my other motherly figure. Her and my mom were best friends. I didn't know how to handle this.

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