19) Life Sucks

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Thieves & Cuffs                 David Beckham as Tristan Black

19) Life Sucks


''You could just say the truth; the fact that you got robbed and need a place quickly to stay.'' One of the men said and I nodded my head.

''That could work.'' I nodded and looked at him, but once I did his eyes turned towards Tristan. Strange.

''You know the plan.'' Tristan nodded towards the men, and they nodded their head once in agreement.

''Let's go then.''


''Life sucks,'' I mumbled to myself as I woke up from the little room that Mr.Black, my boss, gave to me for free. He had luckily been very understanding of my situation but didn't question any further once he saw the uncomfortable look on my face when he asked about who may have done it.

I mean, I couldn't really tell him who had done it. Not only would I be sending a man to prison, but I'd also be endangering me and Tristan's lives as I knew Jake knew other people.

I never knew he would have been such a dangerous man when I first met him. Jake was a sweet and kind gentlemen. Yeah... not anymore

Maybe that was his plan the whole time. Act like a gentleman then tries to ruin everything.

Now, I could say the same with Tristan Black. 

Oh how much that man has changed my life. I thought once I started this job as a prison guard, it would lead to a simple life of paying rent and luckily not being in debt. 

Now it's changed to drama and danger, possibly me even falling hard for him. 

I had gone past that stage of hiding my feelings from Tristan. I liked him. Fancied him. Had a crush on him. All of that high school nonsense where you get butterflies in your stomach every time you see them, but then when you're in their arms you feel safe and comfortable.

That's exactly how I felt with Tristan. I just wished that the circumstances were different, then we wouldn't have to hide every time we were to even touch each other.

I sighed to myself and stood up, I stretched my sore and weak muscles and walked towards the bag that the men had packed. 

How awkward is the fact that they packed my bras, knickers, pads and tampons. The rest are less embarrassing things. 

Once I had sorted myself out which including in me brushing my teeth and hair thoroughly, I threw on my cleaned uniform and took walked out of the room which was guarded by cameras outside of it,

Just to my luck, once I was back in the main section of the prison, of course, I had seen Jake who strolled towards me.

''Good morning Jessica.'' I frowned at the sound of his voice once he walked past me.

''Go fuck yourself, dickhead.'' I replied, Jake had laughed to himself once he heard that.

Oh how much I wanted to shove a stick up his as-

''Carter!'' My name was yelled and I looked up, I saw my boss stood tall with his hands rested against the bars as he leaned over the barrier. 

''Coming.'' I nodded at him and made my way towards his office once he had turned around and disappeared.

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