9) Mistake?

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Jessica Carter

I breathed out deeply, as I tried to catch my breath from the hot and sexual situation that just happened between me and Tristan.

I couldn't believe what just happened.

This wasn't me. I wasn't the type of woman to just do whatever with a random man, and especially not a prisoner when they're one of mine.

''Oh God.'' I rubbed my face and my sweaty forehead, as I quickly buttoned up my trousers and rushed away from Tristan, I turned my body towards him with wide and shocked eyes.

I was surprised to not see that familiar smirk that he always does when he's feeling cocky. He had a look of sadness across his face but once I saw it, it disappeared.

''This shouldn't of happened.'' I stood up and sorted my uniform out.

''Why Jessica?'' He questioned as he stood up, also fixing his outfit. ''Are you regretting this?'' Tristan took a step closer and his hands reached out to grab my waist but I took a step away, suddenly feeling disgusted and embarrassed with myself.

He sat back down once he saw me press myself against the closed door. I realized that the officer who was watching the segregation rooms from the office is going to suspect something, I'd have to find a reason for why I was in here for so long.

"Why don't you come over here and sit on my lap?" He patted his thigh, his bottom lip scraped against his teeth as his eyes trailed down my covered body. "No, this is wrong." I argued, mostly to myself.

"And why is this wrong?" He questioned, a familiar smirk tempting me.

"Because I'm your officer. This is illegal, you could get a longer sentenced and I'll get fired, what are we going to say to my boss if he finds out?"

He shrugged his shoulders as he rubbed his chin.

"Well I guess I could say after being in prison for two years, I would do anything to get a good fuck."

My eye twitched without my permission, ''Is that all that was? You just trying to get a fuck from me?'' My voice became higher and much more louder, only from pure anger.

''No. That's not what I meant, Jessica. Stop... stop moving away from me!'' Tristan yelled, and I'm sure someone would of heard that.

His fists clenched up and I saw his chest moving quicker as his breathing became sharp.

''Why are you getting angry at me?'' I pointed my hand towards me as I watched Tristan pace the cell slowly.

He quickly turned around and faced me, ''Because you're moving away from me like I'm going to hurt you or something!''

I raised an eyebrow, feeling like rolling my eyes. ''I doubt it very much you're going to hurt me. I don't want to be near you simply because of what we just did. You're a criminal... I-I can't even... I need to get out of here.'' I pressed the button on my radio to report for someone, but yet fucking again my radio was pulled out of my hand and thrown against the wall.

''Why do you keep fucking doing that?!'' I raged, my blood boiled as I looked at a angry Tristan.

''Stop trying to leave me.'' He stood tall and intimidating in front of me and for a second I was almost afraid of him.

The look on his face proved that he wasn't one to mess with, no matter who you are.

''I don't even know you!'' I yelled in his face and I placed my hands on his chest to push him away, but before I could he grabbed onto my hands and pinned them against the metal, and cold door.

I gulped uncomfortably, ''What are you doing?''

''Jesus. I don't know what you're doing to me.'' He whispered as he lowered his head, and kept his eyes on the floor.

''I'm confused.'' And I honestly was, he was having a conversation with himself basically.

''Don't worry. Just get help.''

I furrowed my eyebrows at his words, confused on his mood swings. ''How am I supposed to do that when you broke my radio yet again.'' I crossed my arms against my chest, and puffed out a breathe once I saw him go into deep thought.

I didn't know what to do or say when I saw him hold in a breath and his mouth opened.


My eyes widened as he continued to slam his hands against the door, creating a loud noise that echoed the room and outside.

I quickly heard keys being shuffled and placed into the door as mumbling was heard outside, they sounded desperate and worried.

The door was thrown open by two men, and they quickly handcuffed Tristan. I kept my eyes on him as he eyes were kept on mine once they forced him to get on his knees.

''I'd leave now before he does anything stupid.'' One of the guards said.

I nodded my head and gave Tristan one last look, and walked out of the cell. ''Oh trust me, that's already happened.'' I mumbled underneath my breath.

Before I could hear what happened to Tristan, I quickly jogged away.

I felt my eyes water, I quickly rubbed my eyes, ''Fuck sake, Jessica.'' I cursed myself.

What I did was incredibly stupid and I regret it so much, but something was making me want to go back to him and beg for his touch again and I couldn't deny that.

The way he made me feel was better then any man has ever made me feel, even though that was one of the numbers on one hand, he had an amazing touch... and I wanted to do it again. But I couldn't. Not with him.

But something told me that wouldn't be the last time.


As I finished writing something, my phone started to buzz next to me. My eyes want to the name, and I swiped my finger on my phone to answer.

''Hey Jake...'' My words trailed off, as I cleared my throat, feeling nervous suddenly.

''Hey, just wanted to check up on you. You okay?''

I smiled at his sweet words, ''Yeah. I'm glad you called actually.''

And then that was the night that me and Jake spent two hours talking about complete rubbish, but my thoughts couldn't help but wonder towards Tristan and how much I missed his touch already.


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