12) Kiss Kiss

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Thieves & Cuffs
12) Kiss Kiss
Jessica Carter

I was on my way to my boss' office, who also had Black as a surname, like Tristan's.

I needed to finally tell him what has been happening, I was doing it for Tristan's safety and it's not just because I speak to Tristan more then the rest of the inmates, it's because it's my job to keep them safe and watch over them.

I knocked on his door office and waited patiently for him to call me in, once he did I opened the door, "Sir there's an issue with Tristan Black."

"I'm not surprised. The man is trouble." I nodded my head, agreeing with him.

"I believe that there's a gang that's after him, since he had a fight with one of their members and you know what gangs are like when you attack one of theirs..." I shuddered at the thought, knowing that gangs can be very dangerous when pissed off.

He looked up from his paperwork, furrowed his eyebrows and stood up from his chair. "Jessica, this situation has already been spoken about. Before you were here, Tristan has always had a problem with that gang, for something that happened on the outside world. God knows what, but we have tried to handle the situation as much as possible."

"So... you're just going to keep him in segregation until his sentence is over?" My voice had slightly risen, due to the fact that Mr.Black seemed like he did not give one shit about the problem.

"Well, all due respect sir, but if Tristan Black is murdered... you're going to have to live with the fact that his blood is on your hands." Just as I turned around and was about to walk out, his words stopped me.

"Miss.Carter, a lot of people's blood have been on my hands... a pointless, angered, violent sociopath added to the list isn't going to effect me." With those words, I slammed the door shut and stormed off.

I was angry! How can the man running this prison not give a shit about his inmates?!

A little voice in my head told me that I was mostly angry because I liked Tristan, which is so incorrect!

I do not like that prisoner, he's a complete... twat.

But I had no idea why I was going to his segregation cell, I was having a mental argument with myself on why I wasn't turning around, but it was too late since I was in front of his cell and opening the door with the key.

I first saw how his bed was back to normal after he threw it and he was laying on his stomach, he didn't look up at the loud noise of the door closing.

I wasn't bothered by the door closing since I could just use my radio to contact the segregation office to open the door from the outside.

"Fuck off." He cursed, his arm went up and so did his middle finger.

"It's me." I cleared my throat, maybe he didn't realise who it was yet.

"I know, so fuck off." Tristan still was angry at me, I thought by now he would of calmed down and realised that I was just trying to help.

"I don't know what your problem is, you know that I was just trying to-" My sentence got cut off by me getting startled by Tristan jumping to his feet and storming towards me, his hands went to my shoulder and shook my body roughly.

"Wake the fuck up and smell the coffee Carter, you come stay in this shitty cell for 23 hours a day for a few weeks and tell me how you feel! Cause I'm pretty sure that you would be feeling the same way I am right now!" When Tristan yelled at me, I felt like one of my parents were lecturing me for something I was guilty of.

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