6) Jake vs Tristan

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Jessica Carter

It was lunch time for the prisoners and we were looking out for them, making sure no one causes trouble to other prisoners or guards.

I was strolling up and down the cafeteria area where there are tables with benches filled in the room.

I was minding my own business until someone skipped around me.

"What the..." My words trailed off silently as I watched Tristan, of course, skip in circles.

"I'm bored. Entertain me." Tristan sat his large and muscled body on the  bench, which looked like it didn't like the idea of him sitting on it since it looked like it was about to break any minute now.

"How about no." I rolled my eyes, and continued to pace slowly up and down.

I held in my curses once Tristan decided to walk beside me with his posture straight as his hands were behind his back.

When he was doing this he looked much more intimidating and bigger.

No wonder the guards obey him. He was bigger then them and looked like he could snap your bone by flicking it.

"Why not?" His head turned to mine as his lips pouted a little in a sad way.

"Because my job is to watch out for you and make sure you don't cause trouble, not to entertain you. You've got gay men to do that for you in here." A grin appeared once I heard Tristan got silent, but once I turned my head to look at him, he looked serious, almost irritated.

"I've told you before, I like women and only women meaning pussy and only pussy." Tristan stood in front of me as he licked his lips. He was blocking my way from continuing my stroll. "Could you move?" I tried to say it as nice as possible.

You just can't be nice to a dickhead.

I scoffed in annoyance once Tristan didn't move.

Fine, I can just move myself.

As I walked away, a hand was wrapped around my wrist painfully and he pulled me back. "Don't walk away from me." Tristan warned.

"Let her go Black."

Our heads snapped to the familiar voices of Jake. Oh shootballs...

"Don't worry about it Jake. I can handle him." I glared at Tristan as I said these words.

"I don't want you getting hurt..." His words were quiet but they were loud enough for Tristan to hear and laugh.

As his head rested back as he released a humouress laugh, he had let go of my wrist which then let me take a step back away from him and nearer Jake.

"Have we got a couple here." Tristan's words were barely holding back the irritation in his voice.

"Just fuck off Tristan, haven't you got something to do?" Jake took a threatening step forward, closer to Tristan as did he.

This meant that Jake and Tristan were almost toe to toe, nose to nose staring at each other with hatred.

"You didn't answer my question, Jessica." Tristan's head snapped towards me as he glared at me.

I cleared my throat confidently. "Yes."

Jake raised an eyebrow but stayed silent once he saw the look I gave him.

Tristan rubbed his jaw curiously, "Hm." He hummed. "You're lying."

"I'm not." I tried to not crack a smile.

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