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[ Nicole ]

"You did what?" Jen gapes at me before her mouth quickly pulls into a smirk.

"Don't look at me like that," I know that look of hers; and it isn't good.

She continues to smirk and raises her eyebrows a bit. "You like him, huh?"

My cheeks immediately flare up. "No."

Jen squeals and runs over from her spot on the couch and into the kitchen where I stood. I was currently attempting at making lunch for us. Since she is lazy, and doesn't want to cook at her own place, she came to mine.

"Is he hot?" Jen questions.

"Jennifer, it's not like that." I groan.

She grabs my shoulders, shaking them violently while yelling, "wake up! He asked you on a date and for your number!"

"Doesn't mean he likes me," I say loudly.

"Ooh yes it does!" She whines.

"He hasn't texted me, or called, so no, it does not." I frown, turning away from my pestering best friend.

Jen is quiet for a few minutes. "Didn't you say he has a kid?"

I nod. "She's the cutest little girl, oh my god."

Jennifer smiles immediately. "Children take time, Nic. He's probably been busy with her," she returns to her spot on my sofa afterwards and I continue fixing our food.

"I hadn't even thought about that." I say, more to myself than to her.

"See? I'm positive that's it." She replies reassuringly. I nod in response, though she couldn't see it.

"Okay, foods ready." I announce, grabbing a plateful of chicken nuggets, green beans, and mashed potatoes.

"Chicken nuggets?" Jen laughs, grabbing a plate.

"Don't laugh at me! They're delicious," I pout.

"I'm not, I'm not," she giggles and sits down beside me on the couch.

"What're we going to watch?" I ask, already giving her my only two options.

She sighs with a small smile, "I brought Howls Moving Castle but I guess-"

"Go get it!" I yell, to which Jennifer chuckles and rushes to grab the cd from her bag.

"Nicole, your phone is blown up with messages," Jen hands my cell over to me before walking to the TV set.

Hey, is this Nicole?

It's Harry

Harry Styles

We met at the music shop I work at

Ralph's music store

I just wanted to touch base and plan out our date

Or hang out whichever you prefer

I prefer date :)

Oh thank god!

Sorry I didn't respond sooner! My friends over and I was cooking and yeah

Not a

Like... A boyfriend??

Oh gosh no haha xD

Good (:

Good? :p

Not like good thing you're alone

Good thing you're not dating someone

I don't need to get my butt whooped from someone for asking you out

Silly boy :P no butt whooping for you today

Is this Friday okay for you? x

It's clear except for you :)

Okay! Friday it is, I'll pick you up

I'll send you my address then xD

After texting Harry a little more, we say goodbye and I turn off my phone for the movie. Jen smirks at me again, which ultimately causes my cheeks to heat up.

"It's a date, this Friday." I tell her.

"Yes!" She pumps a fist in the air.

We both laugh and continue to watch the movie while eating our food happily. I find myself overly excited for Friday, and knowing deep down that Harry is going to be someone special.

Hey guys!

I hope you enjoyed this short update! If you did please leave a vote and comment!

I love you guys!

- Jen

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