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Hey guys! Make sure you follow angelanguyenn because she makes AMAZING covers and I haven't seen one she's made that I disliked. I love this so much!!!

[ Harry ]

When I rushed into the front of the music shop, I didn't expect there to be a beautiful woman staring at me with wide eyes.

"Welcome to Ralph's Music Store, can I be of assistance to you?" I say the usual introduction to any of our customers, but none of them have blushed so intensely as she does.

"Hi," she replies, letting out a big sigh.

I chuckle, she's really cute. "Hello, is there anything that I can help you find?"

She looks like she wants to say something, but instead stands there staring at me with big eyes. I can't figure out what color they are, so I stared back at her until the door chimes.

My gaze turns to Ralph, the man who co-owns this store with me. His hair is turning into a thick, gray coloring with his beard following as well. He sends me an apologetic smile when he enters the shop.

"Ralph, you're late! I have to go now," I groan, thinking about how I needed to pick up Elli from Louis' place in five minutes.

"Sorry, traffic was horrid and-" I stop listening to him when I run into the back, grabbing my coat and backpack then rushing back out.

"Bye!" I yell, running onto the sidewalk. Looking both ways, I cross the street and quickly run into my car and start it up.

It takes about ten minutes or so to get to Lou's place, and he was clearly annoyed when I got there.

"Daddy!" Elli squeals happily, running towards me from behind Lou.

I squat down and engulf my daughter into a big hug. "Ladybug!" I laugh, squeezing her lightly.

"I go get my toys!" She giggles and leaves from my embrace.

"Louis, I'm so sorry I was late-"

"Harry, I understand. I just wish you'd let me know you're going to be late, I had to date tonight. She came over and saw Elli and left!" Louis whispers.

I feel a small jam in my heart. "I'm sorry, I'll find someone else to babysit every so often so you don't have to do it all the time." I mumble.

"Mate, look I didn't mean to be so harsh, I'm just tired." Louis says, apologizing in his own way. "I love Elli, and you, I just need a break from babysitting every day."

I nod in agreement as Elli shows up again, her toys all bundled up into her little backpack.

"Bye Uncle Lou!" She says, hugging his leg.

"Bye munchkin," he laughs, ruffling her brown hair.

I pick up Elli and she plays with my hair as she tells me all about her day with Louis. I worry about where I'll take her after tomorrow, since I have the day off tomorrow, but push that aside when Elli pinches my cheek.

"Daddyyyy!" She whines.

"Yes, El?" I chuckle, opening the car door and placing her into her car seat.

"My tummy empty!" She says in a matter of fact tone.

I gasp after I've buckled her in. "Well, I guess we should get home and have some eggs for dinner!" I begin to tickle her.

"No eggs!" She laughs, trying to tell me my cooking is horrible; which is very true.

"Taco Bell?" I ask her.

"Taco Bwell!" She giggles happily.

"Alright then," I laugh and close her door gently.

We get home after stopping by Taco Bell and I grab my plate and two of her favorite plates from the cabinet.

"Princess Ariel or ABC's for your plate choice today?" I grin, holding out each plate to her eye level.

"Ariel!" She yelps, jumping around in a happy dance.

I sit her down in her chair, tell her to wait as I grab her single taco. She giggles again when I scoop the insides of her soft shell taco onto the plate. I then fold up her tortilla and place it on the side of her plate for her to eat later.

"Thank Daddy!" She says, grabbing her Winnie The Pooh fork and beginning to eat.

"You're welcome, ladybug." I smile and unwrap my taco.

I find myself thinking about the girl from earlier today, but before I could I hear Elli screeching with laughter.

"What's so funny?" I smile.

"Daddy make mess!" She laughs again.

I furrow my eyebrows and look down to see a mixture of sour cream, lettuce, and meat all across my trousers.

"Don't you want the same mess?" I ask, taking the half empty taco and smearing some on her already messy cheek.

We both start laughing before we finish our dinner. I clean up as much of the taco insides as I could on my pants. Elli slides off her chair and runs into the bathroom, already picking out three bath toys. While she does that, I put away the dishes and throw out the rest of our food, knowing it'd just be a science experiment in our fridge if I kept it.

"Daddy, I'm weady!" She announces, three toys in her tiny arms.

I walk into the bathroom and turn on the water to warm. Looking at Elli, I raise my eyebrows as I slowly make my way towards the bathroom cabinet. Elli knows exactly what I'm going to get, but still closes her eyes while laughing. I grab the Minnie Mouse bubble soap and pour some into the filling bath water.

"Open your eyes!" I tell Elli, putting away the soap on the top shelf.

She squeals and jumps into the bubbly water, splashing the liquid everywhere. I walk out of the bathroom to get a clean towel and to take off my socks; I'm not wearing wet socks that's just torture.

When I come back, the bathtub is full so I start walking to to it off, not noticing the very wet wash clothe on my shiny tiled bathroom floor. I step on the soapy cloth, my foot slides from under my body and I fall right onto my back.

"Daddy!" Elli screams, getting out of the bath and standing over my chest, dripping more water onto me than I wanted. I start bursting out laughing, and soon Elli joins in as well.

I give her a quick bath and put her to bed in her bedroom. When I go into mine, I change into pajama pants and get underneath the covers.

I start thinking of that girl again, wondering if she likes Mac and Cheese while watching a movie, if she'd rather be hot or cold, what is her eye color? I imagine going to the park with her and Elli, having a good time with them. I picture us kissing, wondering if her lips would be soft against my own. I think of holding her against me, would she wrap her arms around me or not?

What if she has a boyfriend? Or worse, a husband?

I shake my head immediately, frowning at the thought of someone else being in my place. I need to find her, and soon.

Hey guys!

Hope you enjoyed this update! I need my husband to be like Harry (@ my boyfriend)

Anyways, don't forget to follow angelanguyenn  and check out her works!!!

Please vote and leave a couple comments if you liked this update!

I love you guys!

- Jen

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