GAMES Ep. 13

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Demi's Pov

When joe told me he was planing to ask me to marry him I just was speechless here I am thinking the worst and criticizing him and Ashley when nothing was going on. I felt like a complete bitch and utterly embarrassed. I ruined everything.

Demi: "I.. I'm sorry" she said with an embarrassed Almost speechless tone.

Joe: "I bet you are" he said glaring before walking away with Ashley. "Let's go"

Demi watches feeling sorry and very sad

Selena: "Demi, let's go" she said grabbing Demi's arm as a signal to leave with a soft tone and soft touch.

Demi didn't say anything the whole rid home she just was crying to herself for causing so much trouble


Ashley: "are you still gonna ask her to marry you" she said with a pitiful voice.

Joe: "I don't know" he said with a sadden and frownful look.

Ashley: "why not?" she said with attitude.

Joe: "she clearly doesn't trust me" he said looking up at Ashley.

Ashley: remembering what Demi said "what did she mean when she said she shouldn't have given you another chance and you break promises or whatever?" She asked confusingly.

Joe: remembering what he did and feeling bad about it all over again "oh well when I first met Demi it wasn't good intentions. I was actually suppose to be playing her but I fell for her" he looked down but smiled at the memory of when he realized he loved Demi.

Ashley: "that's why she's hurt joe. She trusts you she just has a fear of you doing something like that to her again. If she didn't trust you she wouldn't have stayed with you." She smiled reassuring him. "I think you should still ask her to marry you. I mean put yourself in her shows wouldn't you get mad or be worried if she was going around with her ex for no logical explanation?" She chuckled.

Joe: "yeah I guess you're right" he chucked "and I do love Demi and I wanna spend the rest of my life with her. I'm not gonna let this one slip away" he said smiling.

Ashley: "go get her!" She said excitingly getting up.

Joe: "you're right!" he said excitingly before getting the ring and running out the mall with Ashley to the car to drive home because they new demi would be there.


Demi's pov

I just wanna leave. I ruined everything and I don't wanna cause anymore trouble. Joe will understand or may not care at all. I just need to get out of here.

Demi's packing her stuff from the room and grabs the picture of her and joe at the fair and smiles to herself at the memory but quickly frowns when she remembers everything that happened earlier.

Joe's pov

I drove quickly as I can back home. I needed to ask Demi to marry me and now. I couldn't stop smiling at the thought of her being my wife and the mother of my children and us growing old together. I know she was mad and said some hurtful things earlier but I didn't care. I just wanted to see her smile again. When I got to the drive way I hurried and parked and ran inside.

Joe: "demi!" I yelled

Denise: "she's up stairs hun" my mom yelled from the other room.

I ran upstairs quickly.

Joe: "what are you doing?" He said confusingly

Demi: she whips a tear "um I'm leaving. What does it look like?" She continues packing.

Joe: "why?" He said confusingly again.

Demi: gives him the obviously you know why look. "I obviously ruined everything and I don't wanna mess an..."

Joe interrupts demi with kiss holing her face

Demi hesitates in shock for a moment but Kisses back.

Joe: stoping the kiss "you aren't going anywhere" he said in a soft tone looking in her eyes before getting on one knee

Demi bites her lip trying to hold back tears because she knows what he's doing...

Joe: looking up at her from on one knee into her eyes "Demetria Devone Lovato when I first met you.. To be honest all I wanted was to have sex with you and win that stupid bet... But we went on our first date and I saw you smile that amazingly perfect smile"

she smiles through the tears at him with the complement about her smile which makes him smile up at her

"for the first time and I heard your adorable laugh and you sang your beautiful voice to me. I instantly fell in love with you. You made me wanna be a better person and I am now, because of you. I wanna spend the rest of my life with you and I want to start a family and we grow old together and last, forever hopefully" he smiles. "I wanna wake up and turn around see your beautiful smile everyday. Can you make me the happiest guy on earth and marry me?" He said nervously

Demi: "y.. Yes yes yes!" She says nodding her head multiple times with a big smile.

Joe: he smiles really big places the ring on Demi's finger and gets up and kisses her one last time before giving her hug

Everyone at the door starts cheering because they were sneakingly watching

Denise: "my baby's getting married!" She says crying in excitement giving how a hug.

Ashley: "congrats demi!" She says giving Demi a hug.

Demi: tears still coming out of her eyes but she's extremely happy "I'm so

Sorry Ashley about earlier" she saying hugging her back.

Ashley: "oh it's okay hun" she says hugging demi tight.

Selena: "congrats brother" she says before giving joe a hug

Joe: "thanks sel" he says with a smile hugging her back.

John: I'll tell ya I betta get my front row invitation to the mothafuckin weddin in the mail soon" he laughs and gives joe a hug. "I'm proud of ya"

Joe: "thanks dad" he says smiling.

Joe walks back to Demi and gives her another hug.

Demi: "I love you so much" she says looking up at him with her arms wrapped around his waste with happy tears still in her eyes

Joe: "I love you more" he says with a smile and kisses her again.


Yay jemi getting married! :)

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