Chapter 6: I got attacked by Mermaids

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 And when I opened my eyes he was hone, just disappeared! Vanished without a trace. I placed my trembling hands across my chest and felt my heartbeat. It was Usain Bolt speed. No one would react normally in a situation where you almost got your freaking head blown off from your psychotic, overprotective boyfriend.I felt the foot of my bed hesitantly for my jacket I wore to the party last night. With panicked breaths, I tried to convince myself that he was gone. Feeling a soft fuzzy object, I quickly slid my hands in the left pocket and pulled out my phone. Still completely traumatized it slipped from my hands causing me to pick it up again. I quickly punched in Dad's cell number being that he's a good police officer then listened in fear as it rang.

  Wait, what was I thinking? If I call Dad then it's going to involve Mom, Kourtney's parents, the rest of my family, the rest of Kourtney's family, the entire school population who would just magically transform into the paparazzi and.... well Kourtney. Telling Dad would just be basically digging a grave for me. "Drew?" my Dad answered in a sleepy voice.

     "Oh umm sorry I must've called you" I successfully lied.

   "Is everything okay?" Drew tell him, Dammit. Kourtney is very sick and he needs to get professional care so just Tell him! Alright, Alright. I'll tell him! Here goes nothing.

    "Yeah umm.. I just can't sleep that's all. I didn't mean to wake you," You stupid bitch.... REALLY?

  "Oh no okay. You can call me or your mom if you need anything."

   "Thanks and Bye Dad."

     And since then, I've spent the rest of my time crying, tweeting and playing temple run so long that I hadn't even realized that the sun was visible in the sky. Well that was until I heard the knob of the hospital door turning.

    "Hey you," Shaykyle entered saying. Completely terrified that Kourtney might have still been in the hospital I quickly pulled him inside and checked the hallway before locking the door.

    "You know my uncle used to play this game with me in a closet," he joked.

    "Shut up and don't scare me like that. Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I quarrelled making my way back towards the bed.

   "I'm sorry that they're still good people out there like myself who want to come to the hospital and surprise you with Nutella." He waved the nutella in his hand before handing it to me.

    "You are an awesome person with an awesome personali- Where's the spoon?"

     "You already look like an ogre by the way so just eat it with your fingers."

     "You just always know what to say to make a girl feel pretty. Thanks anyways," I sarcastically replied.

     "Any day you have high self esteem just hit me up and I'll see what I can do and how did I even scare you?"

     "I thought you were Kourt-INEESHALEE Rivera." Immediately realizing that I was about to say Kourtney I quickly added on some letters to create the most retarded name on earth,

    "And may I ask who is Kourtineeshalee Rivera?"

   " Oh umm. she's just this nurse who gives me injections here and there." I lied hoping he wouldn't dare ask another question relating it it.

      'Sexually or-"

    "Oh my gosh. No, gross you pervert. How did you even know I was here?"

     "How did I know?" he chuckled while he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone only increasing my curiosity.

   "Okay 8:32 am you tweeted Someone save me from this hospital. 9:16 am you tweeted Gosh I hospitals so much. Plus I don't think you noticed that you allowed twitter to tag your location so I could see exactly where you were tweeting from." Leave it to me, Ann-Drew Priscilla Brookes to tag the my location in a tweet and not attract a serial killer but my best friend's crush.

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