Chapter One: Party! Party!

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Mistakes, Mistakes. Oh the Mistakes. Our story may not have been a fairytale because we weren't some blond girl in a blue dress who gets driven to prom by some rats in a pumpkin. Or some desperate prince who wastes the entire day that he could've been using to play Call Of Duty to hunt down some shallow girl at a prom with a glass shoe. Or some green ogres who chose to live in a forest even though their family lived in some big everlasting castle in Hollywood or some crap like that. We weren't even those red, green or yellow creatures who rolled down hills all day like they weren't home trained by their parents. Who were they? Teletubbies? Well, Whatever!

         Fine, I'll admit it. At first, we weren't exactly "The Best" two persons when combined together until after a long while we blended perfectly. Well..... that was basically after it all happened to be exact.

       It all started in June, the summer of 2011 and everyone was going to Shaykyle's annual festivity at his house which his parents were surprisingly totally cool with. They said they didn't want their son to be bored and alone when they would go on their 3 month business trips. Smh (Shake my head), rich parents. Although I would want his parents they were however very strict on him whenever he crashed the house and caused over 50 thousand dollars worth of damages ! I couldn't blame them, Shaykyles' parties were always the BOMB ! It's what people would look forward to at the beginnings of their summer holidays and the best part about it was that EVERYONE was invited.

        Nerd? invited. Gay? invited. Les? invited. Bi? invited. Freak? invited. Jock? invited. Goth? invited. Me? Definitely invited. I guess you could say that I was kind of involved in the popular clique however I was one heck of a nerd. I wouldn't behave like those blond girls that every question had to end with a question mark. Example: I loooooove to play Fifa with boys???????????? I guess I was somewhere high up there Eh? You know what ? I wasn't even in a clique. I was an all rounder. I hung around with everyone but just went places with the populars .. like Shaykyle's party that I wasn't even ready for.

      Last Year at Shaykyle's huge party his entrance was the best I've ever seen. He drove his dad's new red and shiny black Lamborghini into the swimming pool then came out of the front before he sank with it. There was all the alcohol you could think of ! All the kush you could smoke and all the condoms you could find. Unfortunately mostly used condoms. There were even some condoms in the bathroom and can I tell you.. I wasn't a fan of any of them.

      Shaykyles' parties always brought police but they couldn't pass the securities unless they had a search warrant so everyone smoked all they weed they could. There were thousands of noise disturbances but no one could stop us. Not even the police. If I correctly recall, it was last year's party when Shaykyle along with his troublesome gang fired countless fireworks at FBI Helicopters who tried to stop the party, almost causing the helicopter to crash into his house and explode into a billion pieces. Luckily they were smart enough to leave. When I said that NO ONE could stop us, I meant NO ONE could stop us.

     I wondered what Shaykyle's party had in store for me this year? It was the end of my Junior year and I had recently turned 18 so I was going to live it up. Even if it meant losing my V-Card.( If you don't know what a V-Card is you are completely illiterate). I was going to lose it to my boyfriend of 3 years Kourtney of course ! Who was suppose to be picking me up in about 20 minutes. WHO WAS SUPPOSE TO BE PICKING ME UP IN ABOUT 20 MINUTES ! I had already wasted 10 minutes ! Oh no, he's going to be very cranky. It's a good thing I picked out my outfit yesterday because of my excitement cause Lord Knows he would have been waiting out there until summer was over.

          *Beep* *Beep* Oh no ! He was here ! I slipped on my army green marina and jeans vest and a khaki shorts with some black and white Chuck Taylor's, my green beanie and I was out ! I had to waste some time fluffing my bouncy brunette hair with light brown streaks that I had spend curling for hours and locking up the house cause my parents were gone out for the night. Walking towards the Blue Sedan I covered my ears for I knew what was bound to come.

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