Chapter 4: Trouble will find you

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Sometimes it's good to be naughty you know? Just to embrace that wild side of you that you didn't even knew existed.

But to be caught being naughty... well, that's different story.

Not only did I lie to both my boyfriend and best friend, they had to find out the hard way. Libby especially was going to kill me! Mutilate me! Behead me! Eat out my stomach with a cereal spoon for all I knew! His tongue was practically down my freaking throat. I guess that's one thing his tongue and Libby's foot had in common.

I closed my laptop with much frustration as I laid my back on the bed and covered my face just hoping that sleep would help me to forget this horrible nightmare even if it was just for 5 minutes. And then it hit me. Suppose Libby entered my dreams as Freddy Krueger and Kourtney as Wolverine and they both laughed as they slit me open. OH NO! If I go to sleep then I'll basically be committing suicide. OK maybe I was OVER overreacting... OK maybe I'm not.

The only sensible thing that was going through my head right now was NOT to contact anyone if they didn't contact me first. I needed to hear what anyone had to say to me first before I went and open my big FAT mouth and make things worst so for now, my phone and I were the Perfect strangers.

I let out an exasperated sigh and at that exact moment I hear footsteps and giggling parading in my hallway. Immediately, I locked myself in Fake Sleep mode seeing that my bedroom door was wide open.

"Shh Kevin or we'll wake up Ann-Drew." I heard my Mom fail to whisper as she tip- toed passed my bedroom door. With one eye opened I saw Dad bump into the vase that was sitting on the table which now fell and broke due to his carelessness. Their bedroom door which was right beside mine swung open following the squeaking sounds of their bed.

"Oh Please guys don't do it" I begged. I soon felt my head vibrating, leaning on the frame of my bed and the squeaking sounds of my parent's bed grew louder. My parent's bed and my bed were basically touching each other. The only thing that separated them was a wall so even the slightest movement on their bed I managed to feel. So imagine vigorous, aggressive, football player type of movements.

Right now the photographs that were hanging on my wall were shaking. "Yes Kevin! Right there! OHHHHHH!" my mom screamed out. Seriously! I couldn't even hear my own thoughts not that I even wanted to. My thoughts were way too disturbing but still! All I heard was banging on my wall all night... for 3 hours... STRAIGHT. I can't do this anymore.. I needed a distraction and No I'm not talking about Shaykyle. Uggh, I knew I made a commitment not to text anyone unless they texted me first but... that didn't mean call right?

Yup, worst idea. Every time I called her, she sent the call straight to voice mail. Which brought me to my next idea.. A Text. Can I just say that was just an awful mistake, AWFUL. All the seventeen texts I sent her were all delivered, read but not replied to.

So that brings me to another commitment to break. When things go wrong.. JUST SLEEP and that was exactly what I did. Even if it meant being slit open by your probably soon to be ex- best friend and ex- boyfriend.

The next morning I woke up, things were pretty hectic. The deafening sound of my dumb phone ringing immediately woke me up. Yes, my phone was dumb now because of what happened yesterday even though it was basically my fault. My eyes glanced across from me at clock that accurately read 5:00. Who calls people at 5:00 in the morning? I let out muffled groans in my pillow as I lazily reached for my phone that was sitting on the dresser and with my face still living in my pillow, I grabbed it and placed it at my ear.

"Hello?" I mumbled with my mouth still stuffed in the pillow.

"We're going to a party. Be ready in 25." a serious voice ordered ordered then the person immediately hung up the phone before I could even comment.

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