Chapter 5: A Huge Twist

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There I was lying face down in where I was positive was my room on the bed once again uncertain how I ended up there. A chorus of of passionate cries echoed through the entire house only making my head ring even worse. Were Mom and Dad at it again? But more importantly, who the hell dropped me home. Moaning in pain I helped wounded self off the bed and followed where the load moans were coming from. As I walked through the hallway still wincing in pain and holding tightly onto my head, the noise grew louder as I carefully walked down the stairs. A green brassiere on the floor caught my eyes and peaked my curiousty. Wait.. Why was a green brassiere lying on the floor of my living room? They looked like perfect B cups so they were way too small to be my mom's. I quickly peeked into my dress then was confirmed that I was actually wearing a bra so umm... tell me now.. Who does THAT belong to?

Taking the last flight of stairs, I decreased my pace as I felt my heart racing in my chest. The moans grew even louder as I neared the kitchen and a pair of red and black boxers made me know that I was not going to like what I was about to see. Lying apparantly drunk on the kitchen table stood a curvy female figure on top of some dude laughing uncontrollably... naked. I couldn't believe my eyes so I went with my lips so in an anguished voice I called a name I never thought I'll caught if ever in a situation like this.

"LIBBY?!" I yelled completely petrified. She screamed at the top of her lungs and went flying off the table when the surprised male apparantly must have frightened when he heard my voice. AND WHO WAS THIS MALE? NO I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS! I WON'T BELIEVE THIS!


My eyes flew open faster than the speed of light revealing obscure visions that lasted for about 10 seconds. Once again I woke up in severe pain and it literally felt like someone was hammering my head. Note to self *stop waking up in these scenarios* Oh Thank God! Just a Dream! Just a Dream Drew.. BREATHE. That better have been a dream because reality hit me harder than Chris Brown. All I heard at the moment was the loud beeping of the Heart Monitor. Groaning and rubbing my eyes, the first face I surprisingly saw was Kourtney's. Did he think he really had the decency to even stand 2 feet next to me? He shouldn't even be around me.. at all! The fact that he came here putting on his innocent, concerned Oh my Gosh Drew, honey are you okay face just made me wish he'd get a BJ from a shark. He knew exactly what happened at Tes Miller's party and I sure as hell do too. The other concerned faces that I also really didn't want to see were my extremely worried parents.

"Oh Thank God you're okay!" Mom exclaimed as she rushed towards me and kissed my bandaged forehead.

"I thought you said that you'd take her home safely!" My macho dad yelled directing his remark to Kourtney.

"Sir Drew was not herself last night.. Believe me. I tried to take her home but it looked like she had too much to drink last night and found herself tumbling down the stairs and ending up inside a hospital." Kourtney brilliantly lied.

"Nothing like that happened last night!" I defended myself still managing to talk even though my head felt like a construction site.

"I don't know you took a pretty nasty fall down those stairs."

"Doctor Kramar said you suffered from a minor concussion so your memory's going to be a little cloudy for a while.. A minor concussion, Drew what were you thinking!?" My dad added to Kourtney's sentence.

"But I didn't fall down the stairs last night." I said in my most certain voice causing Kourtney to narrow his eyes and look at me.

"Look at you Drew! Have you seen these injuries? You're lucky Kourtney came running to see you unlike that boy who just dropped you off then left." I could hear the disgust in her voice as she rolled her eyes and tapped her feet angrily.

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