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-Chloe's PoV-

"Can we have this booth? It's kinda ours." I ask. Max looks up at me. Her eyes that were bright only two seconds before was now dull. She tried to smile but it didn't stay.

Normally I would feel bad. But I didn't. She hurt me. There is no forgiving that. She can't expect me to feel sad for her.

You do feel bad for her dumbass.

No. I don't.

Don't lie.

Shut up!

Max nods and gets up. Walking to another booth. I sit down holding Kelly's hand. She turns to me and kisses my cheek. I smile weakly as I stare at Max.

Her freckles stood out against her pale skin. I remember when all I wanted to do was cuddle her close, as the rain hit the window, a blanket wrapped around us right. Me holding her close by the waist. Kissing every freckle on her face, counting them as my lips touched them gently.

Kelly squeezed my hand and I turned around. Seeing only the freckles at first before seeing her bright green eyes.

"You okay Chloe?" She asks. I nod and kiss her nose gently.

"I'm fine babe." I say. She smiles showing off her beautiful straight white teeth. Joyce comes over and looks at me funny.

"Hello Chloe." She says. Her voice confuses me, since it doesn't sound like it normally does. I raise an eyebrow.

"Uh. Hi. Um. Me and Kelly will have waffles." I smile. Joyce nods and grabs my arm. She drags me to behind the counter with a furious look on her face.

"Why do you have to be rude to Max?!" She snaps. I roll my eyes.

"She hurt me. Went around telling me she loves me, then goes and loves on someone else. She doesn't deserve my kindness." I say crossing my arms.

"Here's a funny idea. She does love you but you are to blind with anger you don't see it." Joyce says. I grit my teeth. I look over to Max. Her freckle covered finger traces the lip of the mug. She stares blankly at the brown liquid.

A wave of sadness covers over me as I stare at the girl I love, I mean used to. I.. I...

You still love her idiot.

Leave me alone!

"Chloe. Just... don't do anything your going to regret. I hate to see you like this." Joyce says. I smile weakly.

"Don't worry. When have I ever done something stupid?" I say. Joyce rolls her eyes and turns around. I take that as my que to leave and I sit next to Kelly.  She grabs my hand and starts talking.

I don't really listen as I stare at Max. Finally she gets up. She walks slowly towards the door, staring at her feet. When she is about to turn to the door, she looks up at me. Our eyes lock.

I smile weakly at her and she leaves quickly. My smile fades and I turn to Kelly. Acting as if I care about what she is talking about.

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