Golden Hour

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Chloe drove and drove. After thirty minutes I started to get anxious, well more than before.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked. Chloe just smirked.


"Where is this sompleace?" I asked.

"On Earth." Chloe said.

"Where on Earth?" I asked again.

"In the United States of America." Chloe said trying to stiffle her laugh.

"Where in the Untied States?" I asked getting impatient.

"Oregon." Chloe said slowlying down.

"Just tell me." I said with a groan. Chloe pulled over and smiled.

"Its a surprise." Chloe said. I let out a grunt and got out. Chloe followed me and grabbed my hand. Our fingers fitting in the empty spaces like a puzzle. "It'll be fun. I can tell you that much."

Chloe lead me to the unknown destination, her smile never fading. Soon Chloe stopped.

"Close your eyes." She said and I lifted an eyebrow. "Please do it."

I nodded and closed my eyes as I was lead blindly. Chloe made sure I didn't fall. "Step. To the right! Okay. Okay."

"Open." Chloe said after a few minutes. There I saw the lighthouse, standing in all its glory. Right by it there was a picnic.

"Is this for us?" I asked with a smile.

"Yeah." Chloe grinned scratching the back of her neck. I wrapped my arms around her neck and pecked her lips.

"Thank you." I mumbled. Chloe nodded.

"Anything for you." She said. Chloe held out her hand and I took it. She walked me to the picnic and sat me down.

Chloe sat next to me and pulled something out of the basket.

"Would you like some... Sparkling cider?" She said in some fancy voice. I giggled and nodded. She grabbed two glasses from the basket and poured some for each of us. "For you."

"Why thank you." I said as I grabbed it. We drank some and Chloe grabbed me a sandwich from the basket. She handed it to me and we ate. Laughing at different jokes.

"Max. What makes you happy?" Chloe asked out of the blue. I smiled and thought.

"You." I say. What happened next was a blur. She dropped everything and jumped on top of me. Her hands wrapped around my wrist holding them ubove my head and started to kiss me.

She laid in between my legs which were both bent. Chloe started to grind on me very lightly and kissing my neck.

"Chloe." I mumbled. She smiled against my neck. "We're in public. You need to stop."

She mumbled something against my neck but didn't stop. She started to suck on my colar bone and let go of my hands. Her fingers touched my bare skin on my hips and my hands pushing hers away.

I rolled her to the side so I was on top. A grin was covering my face as I pecked her lips. "Not in public."

I went to get up but she grabbed my waist and pulled me down. She start to bury her head in my neck. She didn't kiss me or anything, she just held me close.

I smiled got lost in the moment. After a few minutes she let me go and we both stood up. She walked towards the edge and I watched. The sun setting was beautiful and she had her back to me.

I grabbed my camera and took a quick photo before joining her. Her hand slipped into mine and squeezed it. I looked at her to see a small smile on her face.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you too." I replied not taking my eyes off her. Eventually she turned to me and leaned down. We shared a sweet tender kiss as the sun set.

It was perfect.

If you noticed the change between 'I' and 'Max' I'm sorry. I've been writing another story in 3rd person so I got used to it. Hoped you enjoyed it!

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