14-Back For You

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Chapter 14

Baby, you don't have to worry
I'll be coming back for you, back for you, back for you, you
Lately, I've been going crazy
So I'm coming back for you, back for you, back for you, you.

-"Back For You" by One Direction

"Hey Dad!" I said, greeting my dad on the phone while I was internally freaking out. I only picked up because I was sure he would call the cops if I didn't, plus I just felt really bad.

"Fish, you haven't been checking up on me like you promised," he said. I gave a sigh. Despite my worry about him finding out, I missed the sound of his voice.

"I'm sorry, we've just been really busy with unpacking and stuff," I trailed off and winced. I hated lying to him.

"Well I hope you aren't busy now because I'm on my way to visit you right now," he said.

I froze. "What?"

"... Is that a problem?"

I cleared my throat. "Oh, no, it's great! How long do you think until you get the-here?"

"Um, maybe forty minutes or so. There was an accident and now there's some traffic," he said.

Okay, I was closer to the apartment than him.

"Great!" I exclaimed, then added, "Well not about the traffic but the- oh you know what I mean."

He chuckled. "See you later, Avery."

"See ya!" I said, trying so hard to sound excited and not like my entire cover was about to be blown. I ended the call.

Oh. My. Fuck.

This was it; he was going to find out about the show; I was so screwed. No, no I wasn't. All I had to do was get him to believe that I was still living with Hannah, which should be easy enough. I think. I picked my phone back up.

"Hannah, I want you to listen very carefully to what I'm about to tell you," I said when she picked up the phone. I proceeded to tell her the entire situation and what we were about to do it fix it.

When I was finished talking with her, I ran up the stars and to my room like my life depended on it. I grabbed some clothes from my dresser, my toothbrush and a couple other things that would make it seem like I lived there.

Just as I was leaving the room I noticed Rose, crawling around in her crib. I had a half thought of just letting Sage watch her, but then I remembered what he told me a couple days ago; he had a photoshoot today. If he had already left for it, I was completely screwed.

"Sage!" I yelled and picked up Rose, hoping I didn't drop her with all the other stuff in my hands. "Sage! Where are you!"

I ran around the entire upstairs and when I couldn't find him, ran down the stairs also, calling his name. I ran the entire house twice before catching sight of him through a window, getting into his car.

He was leaving.

"Sage wait!" I shouted, running outside, probably looking like a mess. I had done nothing to my crazy morning hair, I had no shoes on and there was way too much stuff in my hands.

Sage, who was sitting down but had yet to close the door, poked his head out and looked at me as if I was a crazy person. And as previously mentioned, I looked like one.

"What're you..."

I ran over to his car and took some time to catch my breath. I really needed to work on my fitness. "Thank God I caught you," I said in between breaths.

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