How to survive

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How To Survive: Thanksgiving

Okay, so I don't know about the rest of you, but Thanksgiving at my house is more than crazy.  Especially since it even isn't at my house.  We go to my Aunt's, and I have a decent sized family, and we all have bigger appetites than grizzly bears.  Plus, we're from the age of six to ninety-six, and not all of us get along.  Is anyone else in the same boat?  Here are some of my personal tips...

How To Survive Before The Meal:(extra tip: when you're getting ready, put on something nice and comfy, otherwise wearing tight jeans...well, you'll regret that!)

Maybe you're playing games with your family. Or they're forcing you to sing Christmas Carols. Or, your Great Aunt Judy is telling you just how to get rid of that recent pimple. Here's a few ideas.

1.) If you're feeling irritated, or overwhelmed, just take a "bathroom break."  That way you get out of the conversation, and maybe by the time you're back the topic has switched.

2.) You start the conversation.  Then you can try to control it and avoid getting on touchy subjects. Or, do the exact opposite and just stay quiet, and only speak when someone asks you a direct question.

3.) Just remember, you're only there for a few hours.  If you're really getting annoyed with one particular family member, just say "Hey! So and so were looking for you! I think they really want to hang out with you!" And maybe you'll be lucky enough for them to just frolic away.

How To Survive During The Meal:

Let's say you absolutely hate the food. Here's what I do.

1.) Put on a lot of seasoning. For example, the table for us always has extra salt, pepper, ranch, annoying people, things like that. If there's absolutely one thing you can't stand but are being forced to eat, try to take as little as possible, then just put something you like after it.

2.) Remember, manners. You need to use a napkin, and not chew with your mouth open.

3.) If the duty of cutting some tater tot's(aka a child) falls to you, just do it. And make sure it's small enough so you don't have to do it over again. Trust me, it's not worth it.

4.) If you're a vegetarian, either just eat the vegetables, or try to convince your parents to let you bring some vegetarian food, then sneak it on your plate. ;)

How To Survive Your Parents:

I know my mom is always a little (okay, a LOT) stressed out. Here's to avoid the predictable yelling once you get home.

1.) Just keep your mouth shut. No matter how hard it is, or if you have to bite off your tongue.  I have major issues with this, (which would be why my so often tells me to shut up) but it's better that than say, being grounded from Wattpad.

2.) Put on a smile and be polite. Even if it's obviously fake. This way, you can say you were trying, even if you really weren't.

If all this fails, make some sob story about how your friends Dad and brother are going hunting on Thanksgiving weekend, and they oh so badly need you to go eat with them.

But remember, this holiday is about being thankful.  Remember all the things you're really lucky to have, and you forget to thank people for every day. 

Make it fun, invent a game, just relax. Happy Thanksgiving! :)

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