Meeting in Diagon Alley

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Lucius was in a state of shock. He could do nothing besides sit there and stare. He never would've thought that they would ever find James' body and now they were thrown this curveball. James was alive, although not well from what the Prewett twins had managed to say.

And wasn't that another shock. The Prewett twins were alive. Lucius had seen what their disappearance had done to their submissive, Arthur. Thankfully, Arthur wouldn't have killed himself due to the fact that they had had four children together that Arthur had to look after, a seven year old Bill, a five year old Charlie and two one year old Fred and George.

Lucius had been extremely shocked though when, after a few months of disappearance, he reappeared in society with another child a year older than Fred and George and was suddenly married to Molly Prewett. Then a year later, Ronald came along and a year after that Ginevra was born as well even though Lucius knew that submissives couldn't a) give birth to children other than their mates' and b) father a child.

Now it all made sense. This was all part of Dumbledore's plan to get rid of all with unworthy blood and to take over the Wizarding World.


After checking on his mates' Harry stood up and faced his father. He blanched mentally for a second at that thought. Lord Voldemort, the Dark Lord, Tom Marvolo Riddle was his father. He didn't really know what to think about that. Not to mention the fact that apparently he had an older sister that he would never get to meet thanks to Dumbledore. Harry wondered if he could get his father to take him to see her grave.

Seeing that his father was still in a state of shock, Harry cleared his throat and brought everyone's attention to him.

"We should start to make some plans." He said before settling between his twins on the couch. He allowed Fred to lay down and put his head in Harry's lap and for George to lean against his shoulder, resting his full weight upon Harry.

"Huh?" Tom said ineloquently, still not fully over the shock of finding out that James, his most precious person in the world besides his child.

"Well, Fabian and Gideon said to talk to the goblins and get the bracelets with their magical signature. That would help us cast a location charm. And with Fred and George as the anchor for the charm it should be even stronger." Severus said contemplating the situation.

"Why would it be stronger if the twins anchor the spell?" Harry said tilting his head to the side, but only slightly so he wouldn't disturb George who was half-way on his way to falling asleep. Fred was struggling to stay awake but even he was falling into Morpheus' arms.

"Blood always calls to blood." Lucius said as if it explained everything. And it did. People who share a familial connection always find it easier to find each other.

"So let's plan to go to Gringotts tomorrow to get the bracelets. The sooner we find the twins and James, the better. We don't want to chance Dumbledore finding out that the Prewett twins were able to send out a message to us." Tom finally added, more assure now that they had a plan to save his mate.

"What about Arthur?" Harry reminded them all.

"I can get him to come with me to talk about the health of his children or something that will get him away from that evil harpy." Madam Pomphrey said reminding them all that she was still indeed in the room.

"Now that we have it all planned out, let us adjourn for now. We can all meet up at Gringotts tomorrow morning." Lucius said while standing up and brushing off his clothes.

"If you would like, Harry, you and your mates can stay here tonight." Tom said hesitantly. "There are a lot of empty rooms here that you can use. I swear to you that nothing will happen to you and your mates."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2016 ⏰

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