Some Interesting Revelations

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Just as Harry went to explain what happened, they were interrupted by Ragnarok.

“I’m sorry to interrupt you Mr. Potter but some important information has just come to my attention. If you and your mates would follow me, we can fix this up as soon as possible.” Ragnarok said trying and failing from keeping his anger from showing on his face.

“What has happened Ragnarok?” Harry said concerned.

“If we could retreat to my office we can talk about this without people watching.” Ragnarok says reminding Harry of all the people still watching their group.

“Of course. Remus? Tonks? Could you either wait for us outside or go and comeback later?” Harry asked apologetically.

“We’ll come back in a while. We really should see what the Weasley’s and Hermione are doing now that they don’t have any money.” Remus said assuring Harry.

“Great. So if you could follow me Mr. Potter and your mates that would be great.” Ragnarok said as he walked off.


“Now that we’re in private, could you tell us why we’re here?” Harry said looking at Ragnarok expectantly.

“We have evidence that your mates and some of their brothers have had their creature inheritances blocked as children. If you would like we can take an inheritance test for your mates right now to see what they would be and, if it is possible, bring out their inheritances.”

Harry, Fred, and George all look at each other and have a conversation with their eyes. Once they decided, Harry answered.

“We have come to a decision. We would love to but before I let my mates do anything, I would like to know all of what the inheritance test implies and whether or not they will be hurt.” Harry said looking at Ragnarok.

“Well, the point of the inheritance test is to find out everything that you have inherited. Including if you have become heads or heirs to any houses. It will also tell you all magic and creature inheritances you have as well as if they have been blocked or if they simply are not dominant enough to come out. If you like, it can also tell you if you are under the influence of any potions and spells as well as if there are any spell residue on you.”

“In that case, I would like both me and my mates to undergo the test. If you could also find a way to have Bill and Charlie Weasley as well as Arthur Weasley undergo this test. That would be amazing.” Harry said as professionally as he could.

“If I may ask, why do you want Arthur Weasley to undergo this test?” Ragnarok asked what Fred and George where thinking.


“We get-”

“Our brothers-”

“But why-”

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