Surprises and Explanations

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"Oh my god!! This is exactly as I pictured myself to actually look!!" Noelle squealed before going to go hug Neville.

"Thank you so much!!! How do I look? Wait!!! Don't tell me! I need to find a mirror!" she yelled before running to find a mirror.

"Uh, Noelle? I think I know who your family is..." he trailed off as he realized that she had left the room.

He sighed and sat in one of the squishy armchairs to wait for her to come back. Noelle confused him. Sometimes she would act like a mother, trying her best to take care of everyone, and other times she acted like a six year old hyped up on sugar.

She bounced back into the room, still overexcited about the fact that the spell blocking her parentage from showing was gone. She knew Pandora had had the best intentions when she put the spell on her, but she really wanted to know who her parents were. And now, thanks to Neville, she could go to Gringotts and get the blood test that she had been saving for. She could only hope her parents would be happy to see her and they hadn't decided to replace her with another child.

"Noelle? Noelle? Noelle!!" Neville yelled breaking her out of her thoughts.

"Yeah?" she tilted her head slightly, confused. Right then and there any doubts Neville had had about her being related to Neville were gone. He could clearly see Harry in the way she tilted her head when confused.

"As I was saying when you left the room, I think I know who your family is. Well, I think I know you have a brother and who he is. Your parentage on the other hand is up for debate." Neville said now that he had her attention.

"Really!! Could you tell me?" she begged, wanting to know any little piece about her family that she could.

"Actually, I'd rather be one hundred percent positive. Tomorrow, let's go to Gringotts and we can do a blood test to find out." Neville suggested, not wanting to put her hopes up, only to have them destroyed later.

"Alright, fine. We'll go tomorrow after breakfast." Noelle agreed with a pout. She understood why he wasn't going to tell her who her parents were, but she could still wish couldn't she?


"It all began when the summer before James went into his final year of Hogwarts. He had just come into his inheritance and was sending out calls for a dominant, to come and find him." Tom paused for a second, hesitating about the reaction he would get for the next bit of what he was going to say, but saying it anyway. "I, I was chosen to be his dominant."

Fred and George gasped while Harry's eyes only widened a little.

Bolstered by the fact there were no adamant denials, Tom continued. "It was a shock to us both when he picked me. I had just gone into Hogsmead to pick up a package when I smelt him. He was by far the most beautiful person I had ever seen. He had taken my breath away.

"Of course, I did have to fight for him. Every day for months, I gave him Amaranth, Pink Carnation, Arbutus flowers to show my immortal love, undying love, and I love only thee. That plus little presents every now and then in places he never expected wore him down enough to let me try to win him.

Once that had happened, I had to prove that I could keep him and any children we had safe. Of course now, I have failed completely in that endeavor." Tom said sadly fingering a small necklace with a charm on it as well as a small, more masculine bracelet with a different charm on it.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked as the silence got deafening.

"James and I have, had two children. Our first a little girl that never got a chance to make it to term due to Dumbledore. James took the death of that child horribly. He wouldn't eat, he wouldn't sleep, he sat crying in the nursery for days on end. The second child, we took more precautions with. James wasn't allowed out of the house once it was confirmed that he was pregnant. Thankfully, this child was born to term and was a healthy baby boy. He was named Harrison. James. Riddle."

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