A Trip to Gringotts

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“Hello Mr. Potter. It’s great to now that you have finally decided to answer our owls to you.” Ragnarok said without real malice. Griphook said something in Gobblegook and Ragnarok’s expression changed to confusion and a little malice. “Griphook has just told me that you never received our owls. I’m guessing you also haven’t received any of the monthly updates on your account, nor did you authorize any of the withdrawals that one Albus Dumbledore did.” He said looking at Harry.

The torches in the room started to flare as Harry got angry. Fred and George, seeing the torches were starting to blacken the wall behind it, both cuddled up next to Harry, just letting their body heat seep into Harry’ sides. Smelling his mates’ scents, Harry started to calm down and the fire receded back to its normal size, leaving the scorch marks on the walls.

“I’m sorry about that, Ragnarok. Can you please tell me the amount of the withdrawals as well as when they started?” Harry said as calmly as he could.

“It is okay Mr. Potter. It is a most grievous fault on our part. We should have known something was wrong. The withdrawals started on November 15th, 1981 and there where continuous withdrawals every month until 1992 when it became more frequent to almost three times per month. The amounts taken out also increased as well.”

Fred, knowing Harry was slowly starting to lose it again, snuggled even closer as he asked the question they came here for and the question they dreaded the most. “Who withdrew from him and when did is start?”

“The withdrawals were from a Mr. Ronald Billius Weasley, a Ms. Ginevra Weasley, a Mrs. Molly Weasley, a Ms. Hermione Granger, a Mr. Vernon Dursley, and a Mr. Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore. The ones from Mr. Ronald Weasley, Ms. Hermione Granger, Ms. Ginevra Weasley, and Mrs. Molly Weasley did not start until July 31st 1992. Mr. Vernon Dursley and Mr. Albus Dumbledore’s started November 15th, 1981. Also,” Ragnarok paused here hating to be the one deliver the bad news to an already angry imp, but he knew he had to. “There is a contract to be executed next year on Mrs. Ginevra’s birthday for you to take Ms. Ginevra Weasley’s hand in marriage. The contract would have put Mr. Dumbledore and Mrs. Weasley in charge of your accounts for the rest of your life.”

“WHAT!” Harry shouted the torches shooting to the ceiling and burning it. “Like I would marry that slut! My mates are all that I need. Ragnarok, cancel that contract as soon as possible. I also want all of them to pay me back for all the money they stole with interest…..but I don’t want it to affect the Weasleys that had nothing to do with this, like Bill, and Charlie, and of course my mates.”

“Right away.” Ragnarok says already writing down all that Harry wanted him to do. “There is still the Potter and Black inheritances left.”

“What about the Potter and Black inheritances?” George said as Fred was busy calming Harry down in order to make sure Gringotts wasn’t burnt down.

“Now that Harry Potter has come into his creature inheritance, he can override Albus Dumbledore’s ruling that says he can not take over the Potter inheritance until he turns 18.  During the will reading that Harry said he couldn’t make, Sirius named Harry as head of the Black family. So together, if he chooses to take over as head of both families, he’ll be Harry Potter-Black.”

“What do you mean I said I couldn’t make it to Sirius’ will reading?” Harry interjected from where he had been sitting, Fred curled up in his lap with George snuggled on his side. The scent and physical contact of his mates keeping him from blowing up anymore.

“We sent out an owl to you about Sirius’ will. You never replied to the owl. Then on the day of the will reading, Dumbledore showed up with a note written in your handwriting with your signature stating that you couldn’t make it due to you still being in mourning.” Ragnarok says trying to prevent another outburst from Harry.

“May I see this note?” George says moving from next to Harry, moaning at the loss of body contact.

Ragnarok looked through a file that was on his desk and handed over the piece of parchment that had the note on it.

Please excuse me from the will reading of Sirius Black. I am grieving and can’t make it. Albus Dumbledore, my headmaster and magical guardian, is there on my behalf.

            Harry Potter

“That’s not his handwriting or his signature.” George said looking incredulously at the note. “If anything I would say it was Ron’s handwriting.”

Ragnarok looked shocked. “I apologize Mr. Potter. We here at Gringotts have again done a most grievous thing to you.”

Harry looked up from where his head was leaning on Fred’s shoulder with an angry but still mischievous look upon his face and said, “You can repay me Ragnarok, by destroying those responsible.”

“It would be my pleasure Mr. Potter” he says with an evil grin on his face.

As Harry, Fred, and George were leaving Harry turned around and said, “Oh, and if you could delay the notice that all their money was seized until they come into Gringotts tomorrow, we’ll make sure they show up at the busiest time to maximize their embarrassment. It will damage their reputation for sure.”

“It would be my honor. If we get onto taking all the money now, it should be ready by noon tomorrow.” Ragnarok said writing something down.

Fred and George catching on, couldn’t wait to see what would happen tomorrow.

“I would love to stay longer but there’s something I have to do.” Harry said with a predatory gaze at his mates.

Before Ragnarok, Fred, or George could respond, Harry had apparated away with both Fred and George conveniently forgetting that that shouldn’t have been possible in Gringotts.

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