Written With Hearts - Chapter Nineteen

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Squeezing the shampoo into my hand, I'm smiling. I'm smiling as I squeeze fucking shampoo into my hand! Not because of the shampoo, it's because of the beautiful, but complicated, Abby Blair. She makes me smile. She makes me happy. I didn't just want to screw Abby this morning; I wanted to make slow, appreciative love to her. Okay, the making love part was actually pretty quick by my standards, but being inside of her was fucking intense nevertheless. Abby drives my dick and me absolutely crazy. I'm in deep with this girl, and I don't just mean balls deep. I mean emotionally deep. When I'm not with her, I want to be. I begin to really miss her, much more than I actually let on. Which is why I surprised her last night. I needed to see her; I couldn't wait until Sunday. As it turned out, Ray didn't need too much convincing to join me on a night out with Abby and KC. Trying to play down how much I really wanted to see Abby, I just told him that I'd decided it would be great if Abby could come with me on the cover shoot. I couldn't believe it when he easily agreed, without a single bit of piss taking about me being Bermuda Vaginaled. I think even Ray is beginning to realise just how much Abby is quickly meaning to me. So here I am, in the shower, smiling like a lovesick knob. If I am a lovesick knob, then so be it. I'll happily be a lovesick knob with Abby. After Tamsin having Lily, I didn't think I'd find a woman, who I would be willing to let into our lives, but with Abby; I have found so much more. She's special.

So special, I have decided that next weekend is when I'm going to finally introduce her to Lily. Tamsin is happy for me to do so, and I've told Lily a little about Abby. Only, I'm not really sure that my adorable little diva quite understands the importance of Abby, on account of her only being two years old. Anyway, I have Lily all next weekend. So on the Friday, I'll spend some quality Daddy time with her. Then on Saturday, I'll ask Abby to join us for a nice day out somewhere.

All refreshed from my shower, I head out into the darkened living room, which I need to walk through to get into the kitchen. Having a quick yawn in the doorway, observing the shadowed, quiet space, I notice clothes strewn messily all over the floor. My eyes narrow on them. It's a mixed carnage of male and female clothing, like they've been removed in abandoned haste. My eyes dart to the sofa, and sure enough, there lies Ray and KC still asleep, very cosy and very fucking naked. Shit! I fume silently, knowing that Ray has gone and fucked my girl's best friend. Fuck! I need a stronger word to curse with this time. This could all end really badly. I know Ray. He's a pussy player. He'll be no different with KC, just because she's Abby friend. I've always told him "You don't ever shit on your own front door." Only, he's shitting on my front door this time.

He's not even considered that by pissing off KC, he'll be pissing off Abby, who will then be pissed off with me. Shit! This could really get ugly, I tell myself, beginning to feel so angry with Ray. He may still be dead to the world, but I throw him a filthy look regardless as I traipse on through to the small kitchen.

As I'm busily making Abby and me some toast and tea for a quick bit of breakfast in bed, before our setting off for the shoot, Ray sluggishly comes into the kitchen; squinting at the light. "Morning," he groggily greets me, raking his fingers through his very dark and mussed up hair.

"Had fun last night?" I curtly ask him, buttering my toasted brown bread and refusing to look his way.

"Yup!" he cockily replies, which has my eyes snapping up at him. A smug, stupid grin confidently sits on his exhausted looking face, which has me shaking my head with an unimpressed scowl. "What?" Ray's voice now has a wary, loud lilt.

I find myself whispering, on account of KC, who is still probably asleep on the sofa. "I can't believe you've fucked KC!"

Ray grins again, leaning his back against the kitchen worktop. "Well and truly!" he boasts, crossing his arms and adopting a wide and proud stance with his legs.

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