Written With Hearts - Chapter Sixteen

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Usually my muses are celebrities: Jensen Ackles, Michael Parr, Scott Eastwood, Ian Somerhalder, Adam Levine, and Mr. Grey himself, Jamie Dornan. Nowadays, I have a real-life muse; one that I can touch with my very own hands and kiss with my very own lips. Since our weekend together, Yate and I try to see each other as much as we can. But between my writing, Yate's business, modelling work, and of course Lily, It doesn't actually leave us many free days.

Not that I'm complaining, we Skype every few days and message in between. So it's not like we don't have any contact from one week to the next. This is where I do my very embarrassing, yet completely necessary, happy dance.

I've officially now been Yate's girlfriend for five weeks, three days and four hours! Everything is just peachy. Life is perfectly dandy.

My life has never been peachy, and it's certainly never been dandy. Yet with Yate, it absolutely is. I feel like I'm actually in one of my own books. I'm the female lead, who had a completely shit life, and now has the hot male lead. I'm forever walking around with the stupidest and widest of grins on my face. I don't walk; I float. When I don't hear from him, I actually find myself missing his voice. When I don't see him, I miss his gorgeous face. When I don't feel him, I miss his tender touch.

They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder, and in our case, it's true. On the occasions that we have seen each other, we cram in as much talking, kissing, and lovemaking as we possibly can.

I'm insanely happy. I've officially become a soppy bitch, too. Whenever I'm writing; it could be just a tag line, a character convo, a sexy scene, or an intense paragraph . . . anything really! Whilst in deep thought, and without thinking, I am doodling little love hearts somewhere on the paper. Seriously, this is a big deal. I AM DOODLING LOVE HEARTS FOR FUCK'S SAKE . . . HEARTS! Have you ever heard of something so sickly soppy? Ugh! I've never ever done it before. Usually when I write, I'm only ever in my fictional world. Completely immersed in my scenes and my characters. Since being with Yate, I have a small part of my head still somewhere in reality and thinking of him. I have turned into a lovesick fool. All my scrappy bits of paper and notes are covered in fucking hearts! Everything I now write, is written with hearts. How utterly sad is that?

When I told KC, her first reaction was to nearly piss herself with laughter. Her second reaction was to get all teary and over enthusiastically hug me. Her third reaction was to call me a bitch, and tell me how much she wants a fuck friend. I can't find her one of those, but I can take her out for the night. Who knows, she may actually find herself that elusive fuck friend this evening? You see, KC is scarily confident. She finds it hard to meet a guy that will meet her high expectations. So she only has fuck friends. These are men that she likes to spend time with but knows she'll never settle down with. Her last fuck friend was a guy she met at a mutual friend's party. His name was Ashley and they'd been 'friends' for about six months. It all came to an abrupt end when he wanted to take things further with the gorgeous KC. They unfortunately went their separate ways, and KC has been 'friendless' since. So tonight, we are going out for some cocktails and dancing. I've been so wrapped up in my latest books and Yate, that I thought it was high time for some girlie fun with my dearest friend. She has been great. She has kind of become my in-house beta reader. I've nearly finished the one book called, A Lost Forever. So KC has been going over the first half for me. She has an eagle eye for mistakes. If there's any, she'll bloody find them. Which is why I like her to read it through for me. I know that KC is probably biased, but she thinks my latest work is absolutely amazing. Her exact words were. "Brilliant, angsty, and wonderfully descriptive with enough sex to sink the Titanic!" So in exchange for her help, I'm getting her drunk. She's working late, so she'll change at work and meet me at Bar Seven.

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