Written With Hearts - Chapter Fifteen

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I've never been the girl that others were jealous of, but tonight I am.

Yate has been causing a commotion with his charm and wit, and making me the object of so much envy. This is new for me, and although it made me feel embarrassed at first, I'm quickly growing accustomed to it. Dare I say; I'm actually liking it.

Yate showers me with undivided attention, and I bask in how it makes me feel.

I'm not one to show off. I'm not one to brag, but Yate makes me feel incredible. He brings out a side of me that I never knew existed. The only thing that has ever brought me confidence is my writing.

It has, and always will be, the only thing that I can do well. It has taken me a very long time to take the praise of others, who have read my work, and deem myself truly worthy of that praise. I have always quietly held that praise close to my chest and kept that confidence even closer.

Emotionally, I've never been confident. Which is why I'm treading on new and exciting ground with Yate. He makes me feel things that I rarely feel. Sexy. Strong. Undemanding. Fulfilled.

It's almost like he soaks up every negative thought and feeling that I possess and replaces them with positive ones.

At times, I find myself looking at him, trying to memorise as much as I can about him, just in case it should all go wrong between us. I want to remember the small freckle that he has beside his left ear. The perfect shape of his dark eyebrows and those gorgeous lashes that frame his richly deep brown eyes. How his mouth cutely puckers when he's concentrating, and how wonderfully warm his natural smile is. If he didn't make me feel so good, he would make me feel bad. If I weren't feeling so strong, he'd make me feel weak.

My buried insecurities often try to push through what he makes me feel, but my confidence is growing stronger than my insecurity. It can try to push through all it bloody well likes; it's not going to be able to penetrate this protective guard around me. A guard that Yate himself has unknowingly placed there.

I just can't wait to be alone with him. After our passionate clinch in the hotel room earlier on, I'm wondering whether things will pick up from where we left them. I have no doubt that we would have ended up in bed, if we hadn't left that room. The chemistry between us is like nothing I have ever felt before. All evening, we've been blatantly flirting.
Lingering looks. Fleeting touches. Knowing smiles.

Even when he's been on the other side of the room, just his stare alone could set me on fire. And that kiss? Let's just say that kiss, got my thong into a tangled damp mess!

Can a man be too good to be true?

Is Yate Sheridan too good to be true?

If he is, then I will probably soon find out. The truth of the matter is, I don't care. I'm willing to run with my feelings for him, and suffer any consequences at a later date. I have to run with how he makes me feel, because I've spent forever running away from my feelings. Yate took a chance on me. I'm now taking a chance on him.

"What you thinking?" Yate gently strokes my shoulder with his fingers, which are draped across my back, as he asks what is pleasantly bobbing around in my head.

I smile, bringing up my hand to his swirling fingers on my shoulder. "You," I tell him, leaning against his body with a wider smile and a dreamy but small sigh.

"I've been thinking about you since the first time we met." He kisses the tip of my nose, squeezing my fingers that are now entwined with his.

Just as I'm about to reply to him, enthusiastic arms encircle us both. "Hey there, love birds!" VB Booker is obviously a little drunk, slurring her words with a goofy grin.

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