Written With Hearts - Chapter Eleven

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Not once, during the journey up to Birmingham, did I ever feel uncomfortable being with Abby. We talked about everything and anything, from what we liked to eat, to our favourite Will Smith films. We had the silliest of conversations to some of the deepest that I've ever had. It just felt easy being with her. I know she had her doubts about us, but I'm sensing that she feels the same ease that I do. Even when we weren't talking, we both felt comfortable in that silence. There was never the need to fill it with some meaningless shit, just for the sake of it. She is definitely someone that I enjoy being with.

At times, I would catch her staring out of the car window. I reluctantly would have to turn away because I was driving, but I set her beautiful profile into my memory. The gentle curve of her nose and the childlike pout that her shapely pink lips have are something that I've placed somewhere in my mind. Everything about her makes me want to know more. I want to get inside the vessels of her mind. I want to understand what makes her tick. What brings a smile to that gorgeous mouth of hers? What can take that same smile away?

I want to hear her life story. Who made her happy? Who didn't? And why? Because I know she's been hurt. Behind her smile are a thousand tears; I see it in her eyes. She hides it well, but there's this invisible bond that exists between us. It tells me that she keeps a devastating pain hidden deeply within herself.

I'm hoping, over time, she will learn to trust me. Enough to know that she could tell me absolutely anything, and that I'd still only see the beauty within her. For now, I just want us both to enjoy this weekend. Have fun together with mutual acquaintances we both know through the book community.


When we get to the hotel, I carry our bags inside. I know I'm going to be working this weekend, but I'm also going to be getting to know Abby. With her standing beside me as I check in, you almost have to wipe the smile from my smug face. She and that maxi dress are stunningly made for one another. She looks sexily summery with a relaxed smile. "Did you want a quick drink before going up to our room?" I ask, kind of wanting to show her off if I'm honest. I want everyone to know that I'm with her, if you get my drift. I saw the guy at reception checking her out over the top of his computer monitor. It only makes me feel even more of a smug bastard.

Abby nods with a beautiful smile. "Sure," she says, pulling her suitcase noisily behind her.

I try not to perv over the outline of her slender legs and curvy ass, which can now be seen because of the sun shining through her long blue dress. I avert my eyes, feeling a tinge of guilt because she's stirring a quiet desire within me. Abby isn't merely someone that I feel physically attracted to; it goes much deeper than that. I just wish my dick could adhere to that notion.

My lust-fuelled thoughts are rudely interrupted by an overzealous female hurtling herself towards me. "Oh my gosh! It's you, isn't it? Yate Sheridan, right?" She is soon stood right beside me, uncomfortably close.

Slightly taken aback, I blink rapidly with a wavering smile. "Uh . . . yes, I am." I glance over at Abby, who is already waiting at the bar.

Fuck! Of all the times to get swamped by a stranger! I curse to myself, fucked off at the timing of it all. I just wanted a quiet drink with Abby before meeting with everyone later on this evening. I know as a cover model, I have to interact with everyone, but this is my time for now. At the moment, I'm not actively working. So I decide to put on the charm and politely try to get rid of the fluttery-lashed bird as soon as possible. "Are you here for the signing tomorrow?" I ask, glancing over at Abby, who has actually gone on ahead and ordered our drinks.

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