Written With Hearts - Chapter Fourteen

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Since leaving the hotel room, my dick appears to have acquired a mind of its fucking own. Knowing that Abby wants me, as much as I want her, now has my dick on very high alert. After both of us admitting how we felt about one another, we had to leave that room, before we ended up fucking. I know we're both not opposed to the idea of fucking; it's just that I want it to be more than a fuck. I want to be balls deep inside of her, and for this intoxicating woman to know that I'm making love to her. I want to cherish Abby, because I sense that she never has been. God knows why, she's beautiful, on the outside, but so much more beautiful on the inside. I find it hard to believe that I'm the only man to see her undeniable beauty and her fragile vulnerability. Remembering how guarded she was when we first met; maybe that's the reason why? Maybe I'm the first man she's truly let in? If that's the case, then I'm one lucky bastard, because now Abby Blair is mine, I'm never letting her go.

Which is why tonight, I can't take my eyes off her. Admittedly, those skintight leggings she's wearing aren't really helping me or my dick, but apart from the obvious, she really is flawless.

Emotionally, I know she has flaws. She invisibly seems to wear them like old war wounds, and yet, she's always been so open and honest about them. In time, I hope that she'll trust me enough to tell me why they are there. I know that something from her past continues to haunt her. I seem to be able to see so much deeper inside of who she really is. I'm able to see that behind her warm smile, lies a deeply hidden hurt. I don't know why I have that gift or even why I have that honour? The truth is, I just feel like the smuggest man alive because I am able to see it. There are many sides to Abby, and I intend to explore them all. I'm looking at her right now, from across the other side of the room, just in awe of her.

I'm stood with a group of people, who are earnestly chatting away to one another, yet my only interest is Abby. I watch her talking to some of the other authors. I love how animated she is when they are, no doubt, talking about books. Even from where I stand, I can feel the passion emanating from her. Then she leans forward, giggling at something that has just been said. She looks so fucking cute when she laughs, like really laughs. As her smile fades, she looks up. I smile at her like I've just won the fucking lottery. Abby's eyes light up, just like they do when she's talking to her friends.

I proudly stand taller, validating my inner pride. I just put that light in her eyes. I'm the reason why she has that beautiful smile sitting on her even more beautiful face. Me . . . Yate Sheridan. I did all that!

With one small and sweet wave, she turns her attention back to her author friends. Leaving me with the lingering memory of her subtle but charming smile.

"Earth to Yate?" Ryan pats me on the back, laughing.

Blinking rapidly, I am very much dragged away from my private thoughts. "Sorry, what was that?" I ask, vaguely remembering the last part of the conversation.

"We were just thinking about hitting a few clubs after doing our bit here," Ryan says, seemingly now restless.

I glance at Abby, taking a sip of my bottled Becks. "Nah! I'm happy to stay here, thanks."

Ryan puts his thick arm across my shoulder, a playful, semi-choke hold. "Come on, mate! We've done our bit here . . . it's time for some real fun now!" He waggles his crude brows at me, trying to convince me to join him, and his newly acquired entourage, to fuck knows where.

Eager eyes all rest on me, surprised by me not wanting to go with them. I momentarily stare at Ryan, his mate, and the two pouting women, who stick to him like desperate Velcro. I haven't really known Ryan for very long, but he's another cover model, a popular one at that. He's been doing it for much longer than me, and the ladies seem to love his vain and arrogant way. It's kind of admirable, really. His heavy body is solid with pronounced muscles and the women fucking love them. He obviously loves the attention, but his attention span is short. Ryan is the kind of bloke who demands attention wherever he goes. Once he has it, he likes to move on, and get more of it elsewhere. As an established cover model, he thinks it's okay to just show his face and then piss off somewhere else. Personally, I think it's pretty fucking rude. We are here for a reason. We should obligate that. All Ryan wants to do is show off his ripped body to more appreciative females. He's notorious for always getting his top off and doing selfies with his top pulled up. Again, the ladies love him doing that shit. Me, I'm much more subtle. I'd like to think that the ladies would still appreciate me, with my clothes on.

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