Chapter 6

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The moment Tyler let his head hit the pillow he was sucked into the world of memories. 

A boy dressed in all black was sitting down next to him, looking out at the ocean. His hair was being blown around by the wind. 

"You look so hot right now," Tyler said. Colin looked at Tyler with a devilish grin.

"What? With the windswept hair and red face? Sexy as fuck," he replied and reached out to hold Tylers hand. They linked fingers. The waves were bashing against the rocks on shore, spraying some of the water on them. Colins eyes twinkled, the way they always did when he had an idea. 

"We should go swimming," he suggested. Tyler looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Swimming? It's freezing!"

"Come on, Ty. Live a little," he gave him a puppy dog look. Tyler sighed and gave his fingers a bit of a squeeze.

"You owe me."

"I owe you a good time, Ty." He pulled Tyler up and into him so the were face to face. Tyler felt Colins hot breath on his face. He grinned and pulled off his shirt. Colin raised his eyebrow at Tyler and pointed to his pants.



"You heard me." 

"It's freezing dude."

"For me?" Colin gave him another innocent look. Tyler sighed and obeyed. Colin held his hand to Tyler's face.

"I love you, you know that?"

"I sometimes have my doubts," Tyler responds cheekily. Colin gives him another one of his famous grins and pushes Tylers hand away. 

"Last one in pays for the hotel," Colin runs off towards the crashing waves.

"What hotel?!" Tyler shouted back, running after him. Colin makes no motion to show that he's acknowledged Tylers question. The water was freezing. Tyler was frozen in place. He couldn't see Colin anywhere. A large wave knocked him over and met his lips underwater. Colin was his wave. They parted lips and gasped for air, taking shaky breaths. Colin grinned at him, holding Tyler close to him. They just looked at each other, feet latched into the wet sand at the bottom of the sea. The water didn't reach their necks quite yet. Tyler moved forward and kissed Colins salty lips, tangling his hands in his hair, drawing them even closer. 

Nothing could ruin that moment. 

A wave came over head and they were split. 

Tyler woke himself up before the dream came to a conclusion. No way would he be able to watch that over again. He panted and put his head in his hands, letting the tears fall.

"Now now, Ty, life's too short to be sorrowful," a soft voice came from beside Tyler. He looked up to see stormy twinkly eyes with crinkles around the edges. 


Colin put his hand on Tylers. Tyler looked up once again but when he looked at Colin now his face was furious. He gripped his hand tight.

"Why did you let me die?!"


"Why didn't you save me?!" 

"I tried..."

"Not hard enough. I died because of you!" 

Tears were flowing freely down Tylers face as he shielded his view from Colin.

"You killed me, Tyler! You let me die."

"I didn't mean it..."

"I'm still dead and I'm never coming back. It's all your fault."

All your fault.

All your fault.

The words swarmed around Tylers head as he regained consciousness. He sat up, gasping. His face was wet with tears. He was shaking.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry... I'm sorry," he sobbed into his own chest.

No one there to comfort him.

All his fault. 

Tyler shot out of bed, sobbing, and pulled on some pants. He didn't know what time it was. He didn't care. He had to get out. It was still dark when Tyler got outside. He didn't care. He just kept walking. He looked at his feet the whole time because he was afraid if he looked up the tears would fall faster. The hurt and regret was a massive pressure on Tyler at that moment. He couldn't contain it. He collapsed and sat in the fetal position in the middle of the path, sobbing. 

"Tyler? Is that you?" a voice came to him. But Tyler wasn't capable of hearing him. "Oh Jesus, you're freezing. Lets get you inside."

Tyler was barely aware of someone putting their arm around his waist and guiding him into a house. Tyler could only think of one thing. All your fault.

"Tyler, are you okay?" Jace asked frantically. All Tyler was saying was a mumbled mixture of, 'All my fault' and 'I'm sorry.'

Jace wasn't entirely sure what he should do. He just saw him through his bedroom window, collapsed right outside his house. He wasn't even sure it was him until he went out to check. Tyler was shaking heavily. Jace bit his lip and led Tyler down to the couch, where he sat him down and sat with him for support. 

Jace put his arm around him, rubbing his shoulder comforting and said over Tylers mumbling, "You'll be okay, buddy. We'll get you through this..." Tylers head dropped to Jaces' shoulder as he sobbed. Jace was wondering was he even aware that he was leaning against his teacher at half four in the morning at his house. But when Jace looked down at Tyler, his blonde hair sticking up in different directions indicating a restless sleep and his bloodshot and tear filled eyes, he didn't care. Tyler obviously needed someone and Jace was the closest one to be there. 

From what he learned about the kid was that he had a hard life. Jace took no shame in checking up on student files. He liked to know what he was dealing with. Tyler's parents had died in an horrific collision car crash that made Jace even wince about when the report went into detail. Apparently Tyler was always quiet, never had many friends, got decent grades. But burnt down his previous school. Jace still thought that a mystery. Even though he hardly knew this boy, he had a feeling that he was barely capable of destroying an egg, let alone a school.

Then again it's always the quiet ones. 

For the rest of the night Jace stayed with Tyler on that couch, never moving. Not shifting Tyler when he eventually fell to sleep in Jace's embrace. Just comforting him. It was all he could do. Was all he was able to do. 


Picture of Colin (:

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