Chapter 1

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"Here is your timetable, home room is in room twenty-seven, so you better scadaddle if you don't want to miss it." The elderly lady behind the desk smiled but also meant, get out of my office, I'm tired. Tyler Robinson walked down the long hall, looking for room twenty-seven. He got some looks, but hey doesn't every new kid? That's what he told himself anyway. Finally he found the room and took a deep breath before walking in. One step in the door and everyone went silent. As he took a random seat the whispering began. 

"He's hot!"

"He looks too old to be in our year."

"I heard he got sent here for burning down his own school," a girl said in a matter of fact way. Tyler wondered how she could have found out that tiny morsel of the truth. The door swang open again and everyones head turned toward the guy walking in. He's young. Not much older than Tyler himself. Tyler guesses around twenty three. He's in very casual clothes, a green shirt, jeans and black Chuck Taylors. He was medium height and built. Dark hair and brown eyes. He smiled and raised his eyebrows at the students sitting on desks.

"I think there's a seat underneath that thing which you place your ass on Ashley." A girl blushed and sat down. "Great, now we can get through these fifteen minutes without any detentions." He looked down at a roll call sheet and looks at Tyler, "I'm guessing you're Tyler Robinson?" Tyler nodded, "Awesome, I'm Mr. Jace." 

"Very formal today, Jace huh?" a guy called from the back.

"I'll be more formal with you today in History, Toby." Mr. Jace grinned then looked back at Tyler. "I'm your class head so really if you need anything come to me, 'kay? Continuing with our morning! Izzy?" He went through the role call and the bell rings on perfect timing. Mr. Jace waved them off. 

"Hey, Tyler," Mr. Jace called him back. "Welcome to Galeton and seriously if you have any problems tell me, okay? Now tell me, are you in any of my classes?" 

"I don't know..." 

Mr. Jace looked in the role book again. "Yup, you're in my Maths and History classes. Tell me, you any good at them?"

"Maths, no." 

"Okay, well just so happens we have a test today. How about you try it and if you suck I'll run through it after school some day?"

"I'm eh not allowed."

"Strict parents?"

Tyler nods and Mr. Jace nodded understandingly, "My parents were like that, wouldn't let me do anything. Sure, we'll sort something out." He hits Tyler lightly on the shoulder, "I'll see you around." 

After three long and boring classes Tyler looked at himself in the bathroom mirror, he had splashed cool water in his face, giving him a startled look. His blond hair stuck slightly to his forehead and was tousled at the back. Emerald green eyes stared back at him. Three guys came in behind him and see him.

"Ah new kid, nervous 'bout your first day?" Tyler recognised Toby. Short brown hair and small head attached to a well muscled body. 

"No." Tyler replieed and attempted to move past them.

"Not yet, we're gonna make friends, huh guys?" The two guys with him mumbled in agreement. Though Tyler was the same height as Toby, Toby had the body mass that Tyler wasn't even close to match. He backed Tyler up against the wall. 

"Behave yourself, m'kay?" He pushed him and laughed, then left. Tyler ran a hand through his hair. It was going to be a long day. 

"Okay test in five four three two one. Go!" Mr. Jace counted down then sat at his desk reading. Tyler seen the name of the book. Bram Strokers Dracula. It was his favourite. He quickly put that out of his mind and focused on the test. The numbers and letters meant nothing to him. What happened to maths using just numbers? Why throw letters into the mix? Tyler gave up and started doodling on the back of the test. Forty minutes later the bell rang and the tests were collected. 

"How'd you find it?" Mr. Jace asked him when everyone had left.

"Not good." 

Mr. Jace took the test off of him and flicked through the empty pages, he settled on the doodles at the back.

"Well if Maths doesn't work out for you you'd be epic at art. Listen, ask your parents tonight, okay? I can't do lunch times, after school is the only time. Come back to me on it tomorrow." He smiled and left Tyler in the room alone, clutching the test. Mariana was not going to be pleased. 

"What do you mean staying after school?" Mariana questioned.

"I need help in maths, I've been offered help."

"By who?"

"Mr. Jace."

"Mr. Jace? That's hardly a real teacher name. You remember what happened when we let you go off after school before? We had to move! Start a new life! You made an embarrasment of our family!"

"I did not, you let it be an embarrasment. It's a new day and age Mariana, people are allowed to be gay!" It slipped out of his mouth before he could stop himself. 

"I told you not to say that word in this house."

"It's not my fault my parents died and I had to come and live with you guys. It's not my fault I'm interested in the oposite sex and it's definately not my fault you can't except that." He took a deep breath after his rant. Mariana glared at him.

"Well it certainly isn't my fault that my nephew is a gay! You brought shame to us, kisssing," she grimaced, "And doing heavens knows what with that boy and burning down that school."

"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry about the school?"

"I will never accept it. Especially this phase."

"It's not a phase, I've been going through this for years, why can't you just accept it? Your nephew is gay, so what?"

"You are not going to after school study and that's final. Go to your room, I don't want to see you." 


Hey! So yes this is a student teacher romance (: The picture is of Tyler and in the next chapter it will be of Jace. Thankies for reading, comment, vote and fan if you want. Criticism is apreciated. Thankies again (: 

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