Chapter 13

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Percy pov

We recovered from the shock of reading the email.

"We... we really need to show Coulson this." Daisy said quietly.

"Yah" I agreed.

We collected all the gear and packed it away. Lincoln shut the door behind him as we left. Soon we were driving down streets and alleyways, backtracking, and driving in circles. We finally arrived at the garage to the tower.

"Don't unload anything, we need to report to Coulson right now." Daisy said as we pulled in.

We walked quickly to the elevator and Daisy pressed the button. A small part of me started to panic as the lights displaying floor numbers changed. Soon it grew and I felt like I couldn't breath. I was standing in the back of the elevator so neither of them noticed. Thank the gods. So I silently suffered until the elevator opened again. We walked out of the elevator.

"We need to hold a meeting now" Lincoln announced. Tony was the only one in the room.

"Ummm okay I will tell Jarvis to call everyone to the conference room" Tony said a little puzzled.

Coulson pov

"Coulson sir, Tony has requested that everyone meet in the conference room." Jarvis said through the speakers.

I knew this had to be about something important because random meetings were hardly ever called. I left the office that I had adopted as my own and got into the elevator. The doors closed and just as soon opened again because I was only one floor below the conference room. I walked in to see everyone already sitting around the table.

"What's this all about?" I asked.

Steve pov

At this point I had no clue what was going on. I knew that Daisy, Lincoln, and Percy had gone on a mission, but I didn't know why. I also knew that they called the meeting.

I looked over at Percy who was obviously a million miles away. His eyes were unfocused and you could tell he was troubled. I looked at Daisy and Lincoln who were standing by the window having a very intense conversation. What was this about?

Percy pov

Once Coulson walked in Daisy and Lincoln stopped their argument.

"Alright," Daisy began, "we went to check on Alice and Greg, the two new inhumans, but when we got there they were gone."

Whispers began to break out. Lincoln continued.

"There was something about getting registered"
" and it was from a government server." Daisy said.
The avengers shared a look. This was not good I thought. They knew something that we did not.
"I'm tired of this. Just tell them what is going on. Fine your mad. Your angry they're here. So what. Get over yourselves. You can all work together. Now spill it. What is going on that they don't know?"  I said.

"You're right Percy. And I am sorry to you all. It's just we have done a lot and we... well it would be nice to have privacy, yet director fury does not respect that." Steve said " it's not you. It is Fury."
The avengers were all nodding in agreement.

" The United States department of security believes people with powers are a threat, and that they need to be kept track of." Tony said.

"How come I don't know about this?" Coulson asked.

"I only know because I have a habit of hacking the United States government" tony said. He also received some disapproving looks from the agents in the room. " hey! When they do stuff like this how can you blame me!"
    He had a fair point. I was honestly tired of this crap. One group of people is always so afraid of another that they feel the need to control them. Somehow those who are different then the majority need to be regulated and controlled. It is ridiculous. I mean it's 2017.
" so why have we not been informed?" Daisy asked "I have powers and so does Lincoln! What does this mean for us. Where does it end?"

No one had an answer. There just was simply no way to know what the end was. Or what limits there were.

"I think it's time to pay a visit to our friends over at the new training facility" Clint said.

I am sorry. I really am. This past year has been so busy. I've barely had time to think about myself. I am sorry. This is such a bad chapter but it is something. I will try my hardest to get some good chapters out this summer. I am still very busy though. At least four is my goal. Thanks for sticking with me!!

Bob says hello Zoe

Percy Jackson and the avengers and the agents of S.H.I.E.L.DWhere stories live. Discover now