Chapter 10

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Bobbi pov

I was so tired of the avengers. The hostility towards us was getting so old. I wouldn't say anything only because I didn't want to seem weak. I knew exactly why they were doing it. I was just as good a spy as Natasha. I had had the same S.H.I.E.L.D training she had. Yet I was treated as a new agent with no experience. It felt like they were making an example of me. I had to do something, we all did. It was the barrier Coulson had created because he was former director and had more power. We didn't deserve this.

It had taken Percy noticing for me to figure it out but it was better than letting it go on, I was going to do something.
"Come on time for training" Natasha said, Clint standing behind her. I detected a hint of joy in her voice.

We went down to the training room and set up to spar. Clint and I faced each other and before he was ready to start I attacked. I jumped up wrapping my legs around his neck and throwing him to the ground in less than three seconds I had him pinned.

"I am done taking your crap. You have a problem with Coulson talk to him. There is no reason to take it out on all of us." I said, stood up, turned on my heel and left.

Percy pov

I was so bored. I wasn't allowed to use my powers unless I was training with someone else. Not that I followed that rule anyway,  I just practiced when no one was in the training room.

Unfortunately right now it was occupied and I was supposed to be watching the avengers and learning new tactics. Not to sound arrogant or anything, but there wasn't anything they could really teach me. They trained as a team, practicing their tactics. Besides Thor none of the avengers had any demigod like powers.

So anyways, instead of training with them I had to watch because gods forbid I would have the honor of training with the avengers. I sat watching for around an hour when they finally took a break.

Unfortunately for me that's when the fun began.

I heard a growl. Not a rabid dog growl but a hellhound that is about to eat you, growl. I pulled Riptide out of my pocket and uncapped it, the celestial bronze gleaming in the florescent light.

"Percy? What are you doing?" asked Tony.

 I put a finger to my lips and everyone was immediately silent and alert. I listened harder and heard nothing but I knew better than to let myself relax. Just then the silence was broken. I whipped around and met a gigantic hellhound mid leap. It landed on top of me but I sliced its leg with riptide and rolled out. I stood up quickly and stabbed it through the side. The hellhound burst into a cloud of golden dust. I turned around to see the avengers mouth's hanging open, it was pretty funny.

"What the hell was that?" asked Clint.

"A hellhound." I replied.

"and why was it here." asked Steve.

"Obviously looking for me." I said capping Riptide. "Though I am not really sure why."

"and how did it get down here?" asked Tony. I frowned.

"Someone must have sent it... but I was cut off from that world, I don't know who would have..." I trailed off. It had been so long since my parents had disappeared, and yet only one person could have... would have... sent it... Tartarus.

"Well who do you think sent it?" asked Natasha.

"I don't know" I lied. I really, really didn't need them to know that there was a primordial after me. I didn't need to know. I didn't want to know. I just wanted the fates to give me a break. I wanted the world to give me a break. I wanted the universe to give me a break.

After much debate I was allowed to go back up to my room. I lied down on my bed. I couldn't handle it. I couldn't handle this. I couldn't handle my life. Why did I have to be a demigod. The only thing it had done was cause me pain, bring me loss.

And yet, I couldn't help but remember the good times. The days we smiled and laughed. Those were the days that I wanted to hang onto. But I also remembered the bad days. The day's we spent scared for our lives but wouldn't show it and worst of all the day they all died.

Maybe it was worth it. The great happy memories outweighed the bad ones.

And now I had no choice. I was the one left alive. The one the fates chose to remain and there had to be a reason for that.

Now I had only one task... save the world that I still love so much, become a hero again.

Sooooooooooooooooo, that's the chapter!!!! Sorry it is short but it is thanksgiving and I decided to give a new chapter. My finger is better!!!! I am typing better than ever!!!! Marching band season is over!!!! I have a little more time than I used to.

I have been trying to go through and read all of the comments and I just want to say that it makes me so happy every time I read them!!! You are all such amazing fans and I love you all. I cannot thank you enough for reading my story, commenting and voting!!!! Every time I get on Wattpad and my notifications are all blown up it makes me soooo happy.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!!

Do any of you watch Empire? If not listen to the song powerful on their second season soundtrack. It is amazing.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D has been a rollercoaster this season and I still absolutely love it.

Every show that I watch has been amazing, The Flash, Arrow, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Heroes Reborn, Scorpion, Empire, Greys Anatomy, Once Upon a Time, etc.

I cannot wait for winter break!!!! and for all of the shows to come back on.

Sorry this A/N was so random.

I love you all thank you for reading. Comment, vote, give me your opinion. I LOVE  hearing from you. 

Bob says hello Zoe.

Percy Jackson and the avengers and the agents of S.H.I.E.L.DWhere stories live. Discover now