Chapter 1

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Third Person POV


That one word had ruined the young heroes life.

Flashback to the giant war

The fight had been taken to camp half-blood. Gaea had taken an army there as soon as the blood of Olympus was spilled. The Athena Parthenos had united the two camps and they fought as one. Roman and greeks fighting side by side for the first time. Unfortunately the demigods were losing. Almost all the demigods had been severely injured and taken out of the fight. Even the gods who had come down from mount Olympus to help had been immobilized under a mountain of earth courtesy of dirtface herself. The only demigods left in the fight were the seven and Nico.

Jason and Piper fought side by side slaying as many monsters as they possibly could. Frank charged down monsters as an elephant. Hazel rode Arion and used her spatha to turn monsters to dust. leo ran through the army as a human torch. Percy and Annabeth fought back to back in Percy's Personal hurricane. For every monster that was killed more seemed to take its place. Then everything went wrong.

A scream was heard across the battle field and everyone turned to look and saw Piper lying on the ground a spear through her stomach. Jason sat down beside her crying and one the laistrygonian giants stabbed him through the back. Hazel was knocked off of Arion by a bolder and crushed. Frank charged the giant that had thrown the bolder as a dragon and was attacked by a group of griffons and was taken to the ground. He turned back into a human only to realize his piece of firewood had fallen out of his pocket. He watched it as it was burned. Leo and Nico were knocked into a crevice in the earth that Gaea had made. Nico tried to grab Leo and shadow travel out, but he had already used is powers to much. So he fell hopelessly to his death, his amazing powers unable to save him. Percy and Annabeth were the only ones still fighting they managed to fight through the lose of their friends. Fighting as one they destroyed the rest of the monster army. Then they faced Gaea. They fought her each attacking one side and it was going okay until an ear-piercing scream rang through the woods of camp halfblood , a scream that the great hero Percy Jackson would never forget. It was the scream of his wise girl, his one true love, his life.

"I love you..... seaweed brain...... move on..... I love y..." said Annabeth before she took one last shuddering, dying breath.

"No wise girl, Annabeth I love you." Percy sobbed "Please don't leave me" Gaea laughed. After killing the love of Percy's life she had the nerve to laugh. Percy spun to face Gaea.

"You killed my friends and my love. Now I will kill you" Percy said and then he charged. He had a green aura around and you could feel the power rolling off of him in waves. The Primordial and the demigod were locked in close combat for a while. Until Percy lifted her off the ground with water he had summoned from the earth and stabbed her right through the heart. She burst into a cloud of dirt and Percy used the water to pull the dirt apart until there was nothing left. He was covered in blood and he hadn't bothered to keep himself dry so he was soaked.

He tried to block it all out the grief the loss the pain so he could look strong. So he could look like a leader in front of the remaining campers so they wouldn't fall apart.

"Perseus Jackson" Zeus boomed. Percy winced at the use of his full name. "You defeated Gaea so we will grant you two wishes"

"I wish for a portal to be made between camp half-blood and camp Jupiter...... and..... and I wish to be cut off from the gods" Percy said with difficulty. The campers looked on in dismay knowing their strong and faithful leader needed a break.

"Your wishes have been granted hero." Zeus said sadly the only feeling he had left for Percy was respect.

"I'll miss you Percy" Poseidon said. Then Percy was gone in a flash of light.

End of Flashback

Percy point of view

Zeus flashed me to the doorstep of my mom's apartment. Right away I knew something was wrong the door was open. I cautiously walked in my hand in my pocket clutching Riptide. I saw a broken glass cup on the floor and a note on the table that said You take my wife I take your family -T. I choked back a sob, crumpled the note up stuffing it into my pocket and picked up the phone and called 911.

------Time Skip to two weeks later------

I darted through alleyways my head down my guard up. I used the water particles in the air to sense for monsters. It was a cool new ability I had learned after the war. I made it to the cemetery and tried not to be seen. I watched the funerals for the seven, Nico, Grover, and Thalia from behind a tree. I wore sunglasses now because my eyes betrayed me showing my loss and pain. My nights were filled with nightmares of Tartarus and the war. I got flashbacks at least once a day of every painfully happy and sad memory I ever had. They had all died in the war. The war that ruined my life. I couldn't cry I couldn't risk anyone seeing me. I was still considered a leader at both camps. I watched the demigods still alive cry over their graves. My heart was shattered. I had lost it all everything. I had lost the part of me that mattered most, Annabeth Chase, the love of my life. Once all the demigods had left I walked over to the graves and touched each one. I sank to my knees and sobbed.

"I'm so sorry I should have saved you I could have saved you." I whispered through my tears. I could have been faster I could have prevented this I thought. Why them and not me. I wiped away my tears and stood up. I turned and went back to mom and Paul's apartment. I took off my hoodie and my sunglasses once I was inside. The investigation in my parents disappearance had made no progress and I was allowed to stay there. I unlocked the door and sat down on the couch staring at the wall a flashback dared to overwhelm me but, a knock on the door roused me I grabbed my sunglasses shoving them on my face and I opened it gripping riptide in my pocket. It was the police officer in charge of my parents case. I relaxed just a bit.

"May I come in?" he asked.

"Sure" I said. Not letting my guard down.

"Percy, you are seventeen and still underage. Your parents investigation isn't going anywhere and we need to send you to live with a relative." said officer Parkman. (A/N comment if you get that reference)

"That's to bad because I don't have any relatives" I said coldly. The officer winced at my harsh tone .

"Well actually we found out that you have an uncle. Your mother had a brother and his name is Tony Stark" he said. He said it like it was a big deal.

"Who?" I asked

"Tony Stark. Iron man, an avenger, billionaire, saved new York and basically the world twice." Officer Parkman said.

"doesn't ring a bell" I said. This probably selfish self absorbed billionaire was my uncle, great.

"Okay, well then he has agreed to take care of you until you are old enough to live alone."

"What no I'm fine living alone" I protested. I know I sounded like a kid but I didn't need some rich uncle snooping in my business.

"Well you don't have a choice." officer Parkman said forcefully.

"Okay when will I be leaving?" I asked tensing up at his tone.

"He should be here any minute." he said cautiously.

"Alright I'll get packed" I said sulkily. I went to my room packing a duffel bag with my swimsuit, some clothes, and all the pictures I had of the seven and the other demigods before the war. I heard another knock on the door and I walked into the living room, sunglasses on.

"Hi my name is Tony Stark I'm your uncle" said the man standing in the middle of my living room.

A/N: What did you think? I feel like it was terrible but it was just an introductory chapter so I just had to get through the basic facts. The next one should be better. Keep reading. Comment vote give me your opinion.

Bob says hello Zoe

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