Chapter 12

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A/N: Skye's name has been changed to Daisy in light of recent seasons. Sorry for the spoiler to anyone who ignored the spoiler warnings at the beginning of the book.

The morning after Tony had given me his speech I was actually feeling much better. I could see how living with the avengers and the agents was helping me.

"Morning." Daisy said as she walked in. She was the first one awake since I had been up and it didn't really feel like morning since I had been up for three hours due to my lovely nightmares.

"Morning." I replied.

"Who are you training with today?" Daisy asked. I shrugged my shoulders in response. I neither knew nor really cared. The training schedule was the one thing that I didn't really like just because it was one of those "mandatory" things and wasn't my choice.

"I really don't care" I said, hopping down from the kitchen table where I had been sitting. Daisy smiled in response.

"Morning Daisy. Percy" Coulson said nodding to me in acknowledgement as he walked in. I lifted my head in response.

"So Percy, if you want something to do today," Coulson started.

"Please!" I said pleadingly.

"okaaaay. So as I was saying if," he looked at me "since you want something to do today, Daisy and Lincoln are going on a short mission to check in on a few friends and you can go with them."

"Oh yah that's right we leave in," Daisy looked at her watch "two hours. Come on I'll show you how to prep."

I followed Daisy to the, well I don't know exactly where, I guess you could call it the supply room.

"You know I think that Coulson wants you to become an agent" Daisy said as she loaded a gun and tucked it behind her belt. "Or at least act as one"

"Why do you think that?" I asked.

"Well you barely just got here and now your going on a mission" she said "that's kind of how I got started here. As an agent I mean. Of course it's different because your a demigod, but I have the feeling that he is trying to get you to at least help us in the future."

I didn't know how to react. I wasn't necesarilly opposed to the idea because S.H.I.E.L.D seemed like they did some good, but they still made me a little uneasy. So I didn't say anything and in a few minutes we were ready to leave. It wasn't yet time, but Daisy wanted to be back as soon as possible so she went to go find Lincoln so we could go.

I sat there in the whatever you want to call it supply room. Daisy walked in with Lincoln and we walked down to the garage that led out into a secret back alley.

We walked down a row of cars and Daisy stopped at a white window installation van. She slid the door open smoothly to reveal 3 flat screen TVs and two laptops.

"Come on, get in. I'll drive." Daisy told us.

Lincoln and I climbed  into the back of the van.

"So where exactly are we going?" I asked.

"Well there are two inhumans who we have recently discovered and I just want to check in on them and see how they're adjusting." Daisy explained from the front seat.

We drove down back streets and drove in circles until somehow we ended up in front of an apartment building. Daisy came into the backseat and turned on the computer and TV screens. A whole bunch of letters and numbers came up that I couldn't even begin to understand. I looked out the one way window and up at the 6 story apartment building. It looked fairly nice and it actually wasn't in a bad neighborhood as far as I could tell.

"Alright I'm accessing the security cameras in the building." Daisy said. I turned my attention back to the computer screen.

"Something's wrong" Lincoln said. I looked closer at the security footage the door it was focused on, and saw that the door was open a crack. Daisy and Lincoln both grabbed guns and tucked them under their belts.

"Stay here, Percy." Daisy told me.

"No way!!!!" I exclaimed. They shared a look.

"Alright." Lincoln decided. They led the way around the corner and I followed. Lincoln opened the door to the back entrance and we creeped inside and slid quietly up the stairs. We got to the third level and Daisy opened the door as quietly as possible.

We emerged into a brightly lit hallway, and at the end was the apartment where the inhumans lived. They proceeded cautiously down the hallway and after checking behind us I followed. We reached the door and it was obvious hat the lights weren't on. Daisy pushed it open swinging her gun around trying to find a target. Lincoln let lighting dance along his fingertips. He snapped his fingers and lights flickered to life. I could already tell that no one was there, but they proceeded to check the rooms.

"Clear." Lincoln called.

"Clear" Daisy responded.

"So where are they?" Daisy asked.

"Well the building was obviously broken into. There are small burn marks around the lock and see the books on the floor? Judging by the amount of bookshelves in this room they care about books and wouldn't leave them on the floor when there's a table right beside them." I explained.

Daisy looked around.

"Wow you're right." she said.

"I'll go and grab the equipment" Lincoln said turning to go down to the van. He brought back small drones that proceeded to do a scan of the room.

"Wait this is weird" Daisy said looking up from a laptop she had found. "This email is from some government agency. Well at least it traces back to a government server."

"What does it say?" Lincoln asked.

"Come to 45900 west street to become a registered powered individual." Daisy read. We all looked at each other. Surprise and confusion written on our faces.

A/N: I know, after all this time I give you that awful chapter and I'm sorry. I just wrote what came to mind, but it will go somewhere!!!! Soooooooooo sorry that I haven't written in a loooooong time. I feel soooo guilty and I know it isn't okay!! I wish I had more time in the day, but I don't. Once summer started I got more busy not less busy and I wish it was different. School starts soon and updates will be scarce, but I WILL for sure keep going because I truly am passionate about this!!!! I feel like I am happiest when I write this!! I love it soooo much and I love all of my readers who have stuck with me through all of these months of scarce updates. You guys are amazing!!!! Thank you so much!!! I cant believe I almost have 60k reads!! I would have never thought.... That me of all people could write something that has touched so many people!!! It is truly amazing to think about!! You are the reason I stay up late to write!!! I cannot stress enough how thankful I am!!!!!!


Please comment and correct me!!! Just don't be mean bc I have got some hate comments in this fanfic. This is a NO hate story!!!!!!!


PS: I didn't have time to edit because I have to get up super early for band camp tomorrow!!!

Bob says hello Zoe.

Percy Jackson and the avengers and the agents of S.H.I.E.L.DWhere stories live. Discover now