chapter 5

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I looked in his eyes as he pulled out his fingers and licked them sexually."you taste good sunshine!"he smirked licking his lips."jeff....."I said softly. He looked at me smiling,"yes sunshine..."he said going on top of me. I turned away and closed my eyes."please just fuck me already!"i whimpered out blushing. I felt him kiss my neck and then my ear."if that's your wish sunshine..."he huskily said in my ear. Was I really going to let him fuck me....well...i do love him...and I guess this is proof that he loves me. "Take the rest of your cloths off..."he commanded leaning up. I nodded blushing taking my shirt and bra off."good girl...."he smiled kissing my neck. He pulled my underwear off then he started to take his pants off. He pulled them off and threw them with his hood. He then pulled his boxers off and threw it with the rest. I blushed as he got into position. Good thing I was on birth we really wouldn't need a condom."you ready sunshine...."he smiled pining my hands above my head. I nodded biting my lip. He smirked and quickly rammed his self in me."Jeff!!!!"I screamed out arching my back."mmmm....the way you say my name...."he grunted starting to move. I wrapped my legs around his torso making him go deeper."fuck jeff!go faster!"I moaned out arching my back. He did as wished and went way faster. I moaned more with each trust and he loved it...I hoped."fuck Kaia...your so fucking tight!"jeff moaned out. He flipped us so I was on top of him. I laid my head in between his neck and shoulder waiting for him to move. Hi started slow but rough and it felt amazing. I moaned softly gripping Jeff's hands. He then went faster and faster and waaaay rougher."jeff!!!"I moaned out cuddling my face in his neck. He let my hands go on the back of my head rubbing it softly and the other on my hip. He grunted softly starting to go sloppy. And a knot started to form in my lower region, I was close very close."JEFF!!!!ah!"I moaned loudly. He kept trusting into me soon coming."KAIA!ah!!!fuck!!"he growled gripping my hip. We stayed in that position for a while. He played with my hair and rubbed my back. I panted and closed my eyes tired. He leaned him, him still inside. I whimpered rubbing his back."that was amazing sunshine.....I love you...."he whispered in my ear. He lifted me up softly pulling out making a little pop noise."I love you too jeff...."I whimpered still cuddling in him. He laid back down me still on top and played with my hair. I slowly doze off.

I awoke to see jeff still here and I smiled kissing his head. He looked at me and kissed me softly."was you awake?"I asked sitting on him."yes..."he yawned opening his permanent smile a little."oh..."I said tracing the scars on his chest again he watched me and rubbed my hip."kaia you up!"my mom knocked on the door "yes mother!"I said looking at the door. I heard her walk back down stairs. I laid back in Jeff's arms yawning."your mothers a cop, how do you think she would react to us?"he asked playing with my hair."I don't know..."I said making a circle with my finger and kept going on his chest. "So what is that Stacy girl going to do to you tommorow?"jeff asked concerned."nothing I don't think...usually after a couple weeks she challenge me again but I always pit her head through a wall..."I smiled."you would be a good killer..."jeff said rubbing my back."ya..."I said looking at him. He kissed me and rubbed my side."jeff I have to go somewhere today..."I said leaning up."where?!"jeff asked concerned."me and my friends are going to fight the jocks...."I said getting up and grabbing my fighting suit. It was a one piece and was leather. I pulled it on and asked Jeff to zip it up. When he was down he kissed my neck."can i join?"jeff asked looking at me."no...for one you would end up killing someone...second your wanted for murder"I said grabbing my combat boots and my drench coat."alright....but I'll watch and if they hurt you...I will join!"jeff said getting dressed, jumping out the window. I smiled and brushed my hair and did my make up. I out on my black long fluffy tail and walked down stairs to meet my mom."hey dear going to one of your fight?"mom asked. She allows me cause she knows I only fight the person if they challenge me."ya I'll be back in an hour or two can I use the hummer. Cause I got to pic up the others..."I said smiling."sure thing hun, remember if they pull out a knife or gun call me!"my mom smiled handing me the keys."ok mom wish me luck!"I smiled running out and drove to Yuki's house first. She was with her boy friend zero."ready!"I asked smiling."you bet!"they smiled. Yuki wore the same thing I did but her tail was brown and zero was wearing a black shirt and black leather paints along with his leather jacket with his tail white. Me and my pack on our fight or meeting we wore the same thing as our code of the blood moon pack. I was the leader so I made the rule up. Next I went to john house."you ready to bet ass!!"he laughed jumping in.his tail was brown and white."we heard david tried to rape you!"zero said concerned."ya but I kicked his ass...oh we are heading to the meeting place after this..."I said as we picked up Vincent and scott. They were dating it was cute I must admit. Vincents tail was purple and Scots was red and white.

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