chapter one

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Hello! I'm Kaia, ya like you really care...I'm 18, live in north Carolina, so ya that's about it. "Kaia!"my mother said. Yes I still live with my mom...but when I turn 19 I'm gone!"yes mom!"I said walking down stairs."its supper time..."she said handing me a plate."I'm not hungry..."I said sitting it down."have you ate anything!"she said looking at how skinny I was."I'm just not hungry..."I said walking to my room. I decided to go take a shower and maybe head to town to hang out at the skating park! When I was done with my shower I walked out and got dressed. I grabbed my skating board and walk out side. My mom don't care if I go, no matter how late it is. I rode my skate board and headed to the skating park. I sat against the wall i usually do and pull out a smoke. When it started getting really dark I decided to head home. I go to pass a park, to see something black, white and, red pass me fast. I stopped and look over in the park. I walk into the park going deep into the park. I soon seen a trail And decided to walk it. I pull out another smoke, I look around suddenly get tackled. I growled looked at my attacker. I see big blue insane eyes Pierce me."what is up with you!!!"I growled trying to get up. he looks at me like I was crazy. He had a carved smile in his face also no eyelids, his face was very pale and he had burnt black hair, so he was mostly the crazy one here."waaaaait a minute.....your that jefferey woods kid!"I smirked pushing him off with all my strength. I was really strong, for one I'm a bad ass so I go to the gym and work out annnnd get in fights a lot. He growled getting up pulling out a nice kitchen knife. Great I'm gonna die...."hey!!!look over there a sexy naked girl!!!!"I scream pointing to the side. He looked and I took off."haha duma-AAAAHHH!!!!!"that jackass just fucking threw his knife in my leg....dick."what the fuck!!!!"I screamed pulling it out. We walked over to me and I stood pointing the knife at him."thanks for the weapon Dumb ass!!!!"I laughed looking in his eyes. He came closer and closer. Then I threw the knife as far as I could in the woods. He looked at me then the knife taking off after the knife. I put my skate Bord down and rode as fast as I could, back home. I walked in to see my mom gone for work. She worked night shift for a police department sometimes...and guess had it be on this fucking night! I ran around the house locking all the windows. I ran to my room just to get knocked down by someone. I looked up and seen him standing there."h-hi!"I smiled slowly sliding back.""he smiled a devil smile. Before he lunged at me I kicked him in the knee making him fall completely down."BYE ASS HAT!!!!"I yelled running into my room and to my bathroom. I locked and sat in the bath tube. I heard him walking in my room and then kick at the bathroom door."NO ONES HOME!!!!"I screamed holding a bottle of shampoo."open the door!!!"he growled his voice deep and angry."sorry ass hat I'm not coming o....SPIDERRR!!!!!!!"I screamed running from a huge ass spider and out the door and I jumped in Jeff's arms. He looked at me then the spider then back at me. I'm sorry I'm terrified of spiders."really!"he said looking at the spider."yes!so kill it!!!"I growled pointing at it. He dropped me and walked to the spider picking it up......shit."come here!!"he growled running at me."FUCK YOU!!!!"I yelled running away. I ran into the living room hiding behind the couch."hello!"he whispered in my ear."FUCK!!!!!!"I screamed trying to get away but jeff here had a tight grip around my waste. Then I felt something crawl up my leg. I froze in fright. He did not just stick the spider on me. I went up my stomach and too my neck. I whimpered scared to move. Then it stopped, I looked over to see that jeff had it."better sunshine!"he smiled. I took my chance and ran to my bed room him on my tale.

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