chapter 2

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Jeff tackled me to the ground pinning me down."tsk tsk tsk!you shouldn't run from some one with a knife..."he smirked putting it to my cheek. I showed no fear. "Let's play a game!!!its called the nervous game!!!"he chuckled. Shit...I'm gonna get fucked by an insane person..yay."ok...what's the rules..."I said going for the challenge."alright...I'll starts from your neck and go down till you moan, whimper, or say my name...."he smiled looking up and down my body. I was a pro at this game..I could handle it."do I get a turn?"I asked before he started."well see...."he said taking the knife and rubbing it on my neck. I didn't breath out or nothing. Did it feel awesome...yes. He took the knife and slowly went to cut my shirt off."hey!!nonono!!!all you had to do is ask!!"I said stopping him. He looked at me surprised. I leaned up and took my shirt off. I had tons of scars all over my body from fights I have been in. He looked up and down my body the taking his free hand and tracing every scar with his finger."I have to go....I'll be watching everywhere you go, everything you do!"he growled jumping out the window. I was surprised. I got up and noticed my leg was still hurt. I sighed and walked to the bath room."another scar...."I said stitching it up. When I was done I went straight to bed.

I awoke to feel something warm and soft wrapped around me. I looked to see the jeff in my bed, arms wrapped around me. Thank god its the weekend cause I really didn't want to wake him up...I didn't like it, but I don't feel like getting killed. Aw what the hell I'll wake him, for pay back from the spider. I leaned up and pushed him off the bed."what the hell!!!"he growled looking at me."that's from the spider!!!"I growled getting up."ya but the whimper you made was hot!"he winked at me."great..i have a stalker/killer/perv!!!"I growled getting some cloths. He got up and walked to me pining me to the wall."only when you want me too be!"he smirked."oh jefferey!"I smiled."he narrowed his eyes and growled. I smiled and just stood there."my name is jeff!"he growled."okokok!"I smirked pushing him away." should go!"I said pointing to the window."why!no ones home, I decided to keep your mother distracted and killed 30 people last night!"he smiled."you are just terrible...."I said walking out "yes I am!"he smiled. I heard my phone ring down stairs and I ran down and answered it."hello David!"I smiled.David is a guy I have a crush on. He's smart cute and very nice."hey Kaia!"he said back "was up..."i said looking at jeff who I think was getting jealous."oh I was just wanting to know if you wanted to hang out today!"he said happy."I would love too...where and what time!"I smiled blushing."I was thinking the skating park in an hour?"he asked."ya!see you then....bye!"I said hanging up."who was that!"Jeff growled "my future lover David!"I smiled dreaming about him. That's when I got pinned the the counter."you are my pray!!!no one can have you, or touch you!"he growled tightening his grip."well if I'm your prey...kill me!"I smirked. He froze,"I can't..."he said backing away. I was surprised,"well I got to get ready..."I said running up stairs. I jumped in the shower and took a very quick shower. I got done and dryed off getting dressed in my regular black skinny jeans and black hoodie. I walked out to see a note on my bed. I picked it up and read:

Sorry bout that, I'll see you tonight...and I promise to not put a spider on you, even tho your whimpers are a total turn on!! Anyways...see you tonight..

Your killer/stalker/perv,
Jeff The Killer

I smiled and rolled my eyes. I'm gonna keep this cause no one has ever wrote to me before. I found a small black box and folded the letter up putting it inside. I hide the box under my bed and grabbed my skate Bord heading to my date.

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